Yongda Elevator won the “High-tech Enterprise” certification in 2023


Recently, the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Leading Group Office has successively announced the list of high-tech enterprises in 2023. Yongda Elevator has once again won the “High-tech Enterprise” certification, setting a new milestone for the company’s high-quality development and contributing to the innovation and development of the industry.

This year’s government work report specifically proposed the “accelerating the development of new productive forces” and “artificial intelligence +” actions, actively promoting digital industrialization and industrial digitization, promoting the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and deepening the research and development applications of big data, artificial intelligence, etc. High-tech enterprises refer to knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive economic entities that continue to conduct research and development and transform technological achievements within the “high-tech fields supported by the state” to form core independent intellectual property rights of the enterprise. High-tech enterprise certification is a strategic measure aimed at promoting industrial structural adjustment and enhancing industrial competitiveness. Obtaining this certification again is a testament to Yongda Elevator’s comprehensive scientific and technological strength in core intellectual property capabilities, R&D team building, and R&D scientific and technological achievement transformation capabilities. authoritative evaluation.

In recent years, Yongda Elevator has focused on digital strategy and innovation strategy. Yongda Elevator has a high-quality R&D team, and has established special or long-term cooperation with well-known universities such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, and Hunan University, as well as Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute, Municipal Special Equipment Supervision and Inspection Technology Research Institute and other institutions. The relationship ensures the research and development strength of new technologies and new products and the transformation and application of innovative results, and enhances independent research and development capabilities. To date, it has applied for more than 400 invention patents and utility model patents, laying a solid foundation for Yongda Elevator’s innovative productivity.

With the support of Hitachi Elevator brand, Yongda Elevator will take the advantages of the building business as the core to comprehensively expand AIoT (Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things) and OTA (Over-the-Air Technology, online update) technologies, combining artificial intelligence and cloud computing and other high-precision technologies, upgraded comprehensive elevator solutions, maintenance services and data sharing, creating extraordinary value for the digital management and control of smart buildings and people’s efficient travel.

In the future, Yongda Elevator will continue to promote the research and development, transformation and application of innovative technologies to add color to the beautiful life of the city.


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