Why do you need to prepare for pregnancy three months in advance? Is there really a scientific basis?


The birth of a healthy baby is undoubtedly the most precious gift from God. If the baby is unhealthy, the whole family will inevitably be shrouded in tragedy. This is what many families who are planning to conceive do not want to see. So, how to give birth to a healthy baby is particularly important. Is there any coup to eliminate these risks? In this regard, the reporter interviewed several patients at Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital to see what they said.

It is to do a pre-pregnancy check-up and prepare for pregnancy three months in advance. “

Three months in advance, expectant fathers should quit smoking and drinking. “

I know that three months before pregnancy, I need to take folic acid. “

Above, Ms. Zhang from Jinan, Ms. Ai from Rizhao and Ms. Chen from Jiangsu answered. They all said a common time: three months! As for why it is three months? They also don’t know the exact reason. In response to this problem, we invited Director Wu Yulan from the Jiale Reproductive Department.

In addition to prenatal checkups, we should actually pay more attention to pre-pregnancy checkups, which are the most important step in conceiving a healthy baby! Compared with before, many couples have done a good job in this aspect. On average, several couples come to our hospital for pre-pregnancy examination every day. The most important purpose of pre-pregnancy examination is to comprehensively understand the current physical conditions of both parties through targeted examinations, and then assess whether it is suitable for immediate pregnancy according to risk assessment. The danger to the pregnant mother and the risk of birth defects to the fetus are avoided to some extent. “Director Wu said.

  Is there any scientific basis for preparing for pregnancy three months in advance? Director Wu also made a corresponding explanation:

First of all, it takes 85 days for a woman to form a high-quality egg. We all know that a woman usually only releases one mature egg in a month, but what many people don’t know is that before the egg is released, it has to go through a long growth and development process. This time is 85 days, about three months.

Secondly, it takes 90 days for a male to form a high-quality tadpole. Male sperm are produced in the testes, which develop from spermatogonia to spermatocytes and then to sperm in the true sense. The whole process requires a growth cycle of 72-90 days, that is to say, when the sperm enters the female body, the actual Above are sperm that started developing 90 days earlier.

From the perspective of the formation time of sperm and eggs, we generally recommend that couples start supplementing folic acid 2 to 3 months before pregnancy and continue to take it until 3 months of pregnancy or throughout pregnancy. Especially for women, folic acid supplementation is also beneficial to reduce the risk of hyperlipidemia in pregnancy. In addition, the survey found that it takes three months to adjust people’s life patterns. Therefore, if couples who are planning to conceive want to conceive a healthy baby, they must not stay up late in advance, keep a good mood, do not have too much pressure, and develop a good schedule Wait.

Through Director Wu’s detailed science popularization, do you understand why you have to prepare for pregnancy three months in advance!


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