The 6 major “culprits” for the decline of male sperm quality, have you stepped on the pit?


Recently, an Israeli scientific research team conducted a survey on the quality of men’s sperm. By studying the sperm of men in various regions of the world, it was found that in the past 50 years, the average sperm count and sperm concentration of men in the world have dropped by more than 50%, from 101.2 million sperm per milliliter to 49 million sperm per milliliter. . . . . .

Dong Zhongtian, director of Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital, said that fertility requires the joint efforts of both men and women. Only when sperm and eggs combine to form fertilized eggs can they gradually develop into embryos. At present, many patients in the outpatient clinic are unable to have children due to sperm problems, including oligospermia and weak sperm. It is urgent to pay attention to the quality of male sperm and men’s health.

Director Dong Zhongtian is analyzing the patient’s condition

Men’s sperm quality declines, fertility rate decreases, and infertility rate increases, which are closely related to daily living habits. Director Dong reminds that the following bad habits will damage the quality of men’s “tadpoles”, and men who are planning to conceive must avoid them!

1. Dressing too tightly, covering too tightly. Sperm like cold but not hot. The most suitable growth temperature is 34°-35.5° which is about 1°-2° lower than the normal temperature of the human body. If you wear tight jeans or underwear, the testicles will be tightly attached to the human body. It is not conducive to spermatogenesis. This is why the skin of the testicles relaxes in a very hot environment and tightens in a colder environment. Men who are trying to conceive are advised to wear loose, breathable pants.

2. Soaking in hot springs, steaming in a sauna, or taking a bath is overheated. When winter comes, many men like to soak in hot springs and saunas in bathing places, and immerse their whole body in steaming hot springs and steam. Although this can perspire and relieve fatigue, it is very detrimental to the survival of sperm.

3. Smoking. Cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, nitrosamines, and some radioactive substances. After inhalation, these substances will enter the blood circulation of the whole body through the blood circulation of the lungs, damage the Leydig cells of the testis, and cause the decrease of androgen , affecting sexual function and sperm quality.

4. Drink. Alcohol can cause considerable damage to sperm. Men who are planning to conceive need to strictly avoid alcohol, whether it is beer, liquor, wine, etc. The process of spermatogenesis is: spermatogonia are produced in the seminiferous tubule of the testis, and then develop into primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, and then spermatozoa can be formed. Alcohol’s metabolite acetaldehyde will disturb the seminiferous tubules of the testis and cause sperm deformity. People who drink excessively are more likely than others to have genetic diseases in their offspring.

5. Stay up late. Bad work and rest habits, too late to sleep at night, too little sleep time, the human body is in a state of over-excitement and tension, which will disrupt endocrine and cause an imbalance in the microenvironment of life. Staying up late for a long time will make the human body in a sub-healthy state, resulting in less sperm, weak sperm, abnormal sperm, and poor liquefaction function.

6. Unhealthy diet (obesity). Many young people do not have the habit of cooking and prefer to order takeaway. But the quality of takeaway food is currently worrying, not to mention high oil and high salt, and many ingredients are not fresh. Eating too much will inevitably cause problems for the human body, and it will easily lead to obesity. If a man is overweight, he will experience hyperthermia and hormonal disorders, which is not conducive to reproductive health and sperm quality.


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