Qiu Zilu waited for 7 years with mixed sorrow and joy, and finally officially announced that she is pregnant!


Today, such a happy mother came to Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital. She took the intrauterine pregnancy checklist and excitedly shouted to her attending doctor, Director Guo Haiying: “Director, I will never make my own decisions again. , listen to you, this time it’s in the palace! My hanging heart finally fell to the ground.”

Xiao Min’s intrauterine pregnancy checklist is freshly released!

What is going on here? Only after we got to know the truth did we know the truth: Xiao Min, 34 years old, always smiles when she sees people. Neighbors and friends say that she is diligent and thrifty in managing the house. She married her husband in 2017. She manages the house well, but there is one regret. The two have been married for 6 years and have no children. . . . . .

& A few years ago, Xiao Min and her husband went to the local hospital for infertility examination. “At that time, it was checked that the end of my left fallopian tube was twisted and grouped, and the right fallopian tube was not smooth. The doctor said, in your situation, do a test tube. I thought to myself that the cost of test tubes is so high in our rural family, so I said I went home to discuss it. In fact, I didn’t think about it at all. At that time, I wanted to go home and try to conceive if I could. If I couldn’t, I might not have a child in my life. She was pregnant!” Xiao Min recalled.

Xiao Min was so happy that she thought that her sincerity had touched the “God of Lucky Pregnancy”. Without a test tube or medicine, she became pregnant! The whole family was very excited, but on a hot afternoon, Xiao Min discovered that she was bleeding from her vagina… Liushen Wuzhu’s family members were frightened, so they quickly dialed 120 and went to the hospital for an investigation. Xiao Min was pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy!

For Xiao Min’s family, this was like a bolt from the blue, and Xiao Min had to remove one fallopian tube to save his life. Later, in order to comfort Xiao Min, her husband asked many ways to seek a child. By chance, he was highly recommended by a friend and came to Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital to find Director Guo Haiying.

After learning about the specific situation of Xiao Min and his wife, Director Guo was distressed and angry: “There is a fertility problem, and it must be resolved before giving birth. Pregnancy is not a trivial matter. You are also lucky, Xiao Min. The lethality of ectopic pregnancy is great. You only had one fallopian tube removed, so you still have a very high chance of getting pregnant again! But there is one thing, you must follow the doctor’s advice carefully, cooperate with the treatment, and don’t make your own decisions!” the director urged, Xiao Min never dared to mess around again Yes, follow the director’s treatment plan step by step.

Qiu Zilu was full of sorrows and joys, after waiting for 7 years, it was finally officially announced that she was pregnant!

Director Guo is explaining Xiao Min’s condition

After less than 100 days of systemic treatment, Director Guo received the good news from Xiao Min: “Director, my aunt has been delayed for several days. I took a pregnancy test stick today and it was a particularly conspicuous double red bar, which is more conspicuous than the first one.” It was much more noticeable in the second pregnancy! But I’m still a little worried…  …”

After Xiao Min became pregnant, the director looked at her numerical indicators and was quite relieved. When it came time to check the inside and outside of the palace, Xiao Min was both looking forward to and worried, until she got the checklist inside the palace, she cried with joy. The long-lost pregnancy, Xiao Min waited for 7 years! Here, the editor sincerely wishes that Xiao Min can get the green light all the way, and the “baby bunny” in her belly can grow up vigorously and be born smoothly!


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