Weilai’s first mobile phone accesses the network: supports UWB ultra-wideband to bid farewell to car keys


Weilai’s first mobile phone has officially obtained the radio approval of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that the design of the product has been completed, and the next step is to wait for the three certificates to be ready for the market.

Li Bin once said that the Weilai mobile phone will be released in the third quarter of this year, and the calculation time is almost there.

According to the network access data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the phone will support network standards such as 2G, China Unicom 3G, CDMA, China Mobile + China Unicom 4G, and 5G.

  Most importantly, it will also be equipped with UWB ultra-wideband technology, which means that NIO owners can say goodbye to car keys completely, and the unlocking experience is no worse than physical keys.

This is actually the pain point of many mobile phone car keys in the past, because the Bluetooth key needs to be specially adapted. Except for the iPhone, the Bluetooth unlocking experience of other mobile phones on the market is not good, and it cannot be completely senseless like a car key.

  UWB technology can achieve ultra-wideband on the spectrum (bandwidth above 500MHz), and achieve fast data transmission through ultra-large bandwidth and low transmission power, making unlocking faster,And because the time width of the UWB pulse is extremely short, it can also realize the distance measurement of high-precision positioning.

Apple has been equipped with this technology since the iPhone 11, which can accurately identify the distance and direction to air transmission and AirTag.

Mi MIX4 and other models have also been equipped with UWB technology before, which can control which home device the mobile phone points to, such as adjusting the temperature when pointing at the air conditioner, adjusting the volume when pointing at the TV, and so on.

In addition, this technology is generally only equipped with high-end flagships, and this is also in line with Weilai’s previous positioning of this phone.They once revealed that the target of the mobile phone is the Android flagship, and the price will most likely exceed 5,000 yuan, and may even reach the price range of 7,000 yuan.

In addition, NIO will bring a brand-new Android phone business model, returning to a more authentic model of mobile phones.

Qin Lihong, co-founder and president of NIO, has previously emphasized that,Absolutely will not hang advertisements in Weilai mobile phones, and resolutely do not rely on advertisements to make money.


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