5 wrong contraceptive methods, don’t step on the pit, be careful that infertility will find you!


One day in December 2022, a young patient, Ms. Chen, came to the consulting room of Director Zhang Yanjun of Jinan Jiale Reproductive Hospital. Ms. Chen said that she and her husband have been trying to conceive for more than a year, and they couldn’t get pregnant. Seeing that many of the children of friends around them have already learned how to play soy sauce and go to elementary school, she still can’t give birth, and she is very anxious.

Director Zhang is in the clinic

Director Zhang checked her and found that Ms. Chen’s endometrium was severely damaged! After detailed questioning, it turned out that Ms. Chen had had several unwanted pregnancies before, and they were dealt with through artificial abortion, which damaged the endometrium.

During the consultation, Director Zhang found that some newly married couples or couples who lacked scientific knowledge about sex had misunderstood contraception, which resulted in unwanted pregnancies. Some people even regard flow of people as a remedy, which is not advisable. The following 5 wrong contraceptive methods are misunderstandings that many people have:

1. “Safe period” contraception. The concept of “safety period” is defined from the point of view of contraception, including the pre-safety period (the period from the day when menstruation is clean to the first three days of ovulation) and the post-safety period (from the end of ovulation period). from the first day to the day before the next menstrual cramps). Some patients think that there is no possibility of pregnancy during these two periods, so there is no need to take contraceptive measures in the same room. But in fact, women’s ovulation and menstruation are affected by many factors, including staying up late, mental stress, excessive weight loss, etc. Any abnormal function of hypothalamus-pituitary gland and ovary will directly affect women’s ovulation, and premature ovulation may occur Or postponed, so the safe period is not safe at all.

2. In vitro ejaculation for contraception. Such patients often have the idea that as long as the man withdraws before ejaculating and does not inject semen into the woman’s reproductive tract, she will not be able to conceive. But in fact, when the man is in the same room, before ejaculation, a small amount of prostatic fluid will flow out, and there may be a small amount of sperm in the prostatic fluid. As long as sperm enters, pregnancy is possible.

3. Vaginal douche for contraception. Some patients will take the way of douching the vagina after intercourse, thinking that this can flush out the semen and avoid pregnancy. But if the man’s ejaculation is far away, some sperm have already entered the uterine cavity, and the effect of washing is very small. In addition, frequent flushing of the inside of the vagina will destroy the acid-base balance of the vagina and the balance of the micro-ecology, causing a large number of external bacteria to enter and cause inflammation of the reproductive tract. If there is an ascending infection, it will cause endometritis, fallopian tube blockage, pelvic cavity diseases such as inflammation.

4, urination contraception. Similar to the method of douching contraception, it is also a wrong method of contraception. Women’s urethra and vagina are not a channel. Even if they urinate immediately after intercourse, the urethra is only washed away, and sperm still exists in the vagina. Even if the semen can flow out with the force of urination during urination, there will still be some residue, and there is still the possibility of pregnancy.

5. Take emergency contraceptive pills frequently. Emergency contraceptives should not be used more than 3 times within a year, and can only be used more than 2 times a month. If used frequently, it will affect the endocrine system, lead to menstrual disorders, ovulation disorders, and difficulty in pregnancy.

Director Zhang suggested that if you have no plans to become pregnant at present, you must do a good job of contraception, take correct contraceptive measures, and do not have frequent abortions to avoid infertility!


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