Tastefully Malaysia Food Fair 901 to 903 Penang Food Frenzy | Business News | 2023-08-30 – Guangming Daily

Tastefully Malaysia Food Fair 901 to 903 Penang Food Frenzy | Business News | 2023-08-30 – Guangming Daily


(Penang News) Attention gourmets! The Tastefully Food Expo is coming to Penang, which is known as a gourmet paradise!

The Tastefully Malaysia Food Show, hosted by Tastefully Malaysia, will now move to the Penang International Convention and Exhibition Center (Setia Spice Arena) after having enjoyed a feast of taste buds at the Mid Valley Exhibition Center in Kuala Lumpur in August, allowing local food lovers to roam around In the sea of ​​delicacies, enjoy all kinds of gourmet delicacies.

The food fair will be held from 11am to 10pm from September 1st to 3rd (Friday to Sunday). At that time, there will be about 180 food stalls for the public to taste, drink and buy. It is expected to attract 70,000 visitors within 3 days.

Perfect fusion of food and music

In addition to eating, drinking, shopping, and participating in various interesting activities on site, the unique feature of this year’s Tastefully Malaysia Food Fair is that the organizer will perfectly integrate delicious food and beautiful music to bring you double sensory enjoyment.

The event provides a platform for local food companies and music talents to showcase food and music to the audience.

You will embark on a journey of delicious food accompanied by music. While tasting delicious food, you can also immerse yourself in the wonderful music atmosphere. Are you ready to appreciate the dual charm of taste buds and music?

As the official entertainment partner of this food exhibition, Vsing Malaysia will present a wonderful symphony that combines deliciousness and melody for this food exhibition, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in a wonderful experience of physical and mental pleasure.

Attention all friends who love to sing and perform! Come here, you will have the opportunity to step onto the big stage and showcase your talent with Vsing Malaysia through the “Vsing Sing & Earn” event!

Local singer Priscilla Abby will also visit Tastefully Malaysia Food Fair to promote the concert. Fans remember to join us and witness the idol’s singing ability!

In addition, the organizer also arranged exclusive meet-and-greets for other local artists, such as “Broken Tooth Mushroom” Lai Yuhan, Nicole Lai Songfeng, Mr. Incomparable, etc., so that everyone can see their artists up close and spend an unforgettable time full of joyful atmosphere night.

In addition, there will be wonderful cultural dance performances on site, allowing everyone to understand the beautiful traditional culture of our country through the art of dance. The organizer promises to bring you unlimited surprises through a series of activities!

If you consider yourself a big eater, then don’t miss the “Holiao Street Food Big Eater Challenge”. After completing this feat, you can become the ultimate eater and win rich bonuses and prizes!

Give out 3000 free gift bags

It is worth mentioning that the organizer has also prepared 3,000 exclusive gift bags filled with all kinds of delicious and tempting ingredients for the first-come-first-served public.

Attendees can also participate in a lucky draw to win exciting prizes. Just participate for a chance to win prizes! The platinum sponsors of Tastefully Malaysia Food Fair are Jinro, First Pride & Tyson.

For more details about the Food Fair, please visit the official Facebook and Instagram. You can also log in to the official Facebook to participate in the “Register, Share, Like & Win” contest to win great prizes.


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