“Super air conditioner” is coming?Explore centralized cooling in many places to deal with high temperature weather


After the fall, Guangzhou’s high temperature warning continued. The Guangzhou Library, which is at the peak of summer passenger flow, receives tens of thousands of readers every day. In order to keep cool, more than 100 air outlets here continue to operate from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, and such a large amount of continuous cooling is not done by individual air conditioners, but by chilled water pipes.

Huang Zhenxiong, Director of the Assets and Property Management Department of the Guangzhou Library: The temperature of the two cold water supply pipes coming from the cold station is constant at about 2°C, and the temperature of the outgoing water is about 7°C. The overall temperature difference is above 4°C. When we buy cold water, the cost is much lower than that of self-built cold sources, and at the same time, it will save a lot of electricity.

There are two water pipes, one in and one out, and the water pump can complete the cooling. The cold water that is continuously delivered comes from the cold station less than one kilometer away from the library.

Teng Lin, general manager of an energy company in Guangzhou, Guangdong: This is the ice storage pool in the system, which stores a certain amount of ice at night when electricity prices are low. During the daytime, it is cold like now. After the high-temperature water comes in, the ice is melted, the water temperature drops, and then it is sent to the user side through the secondary pump to cool the user’s air-conditioning system.

Teng Lin told reporters that every summer, the low-peak electricity price from 0:00 at night to 8:00 the next day is 0.19 yuan/kWh, and the peak electricity price during the day is 1.63 yuan/kWh. They take advantage of the 8-fold electricity price difference to store as much ice as possible with cheap electricity at night, and deliver it to surrounding subways, theaters, office buildings and other buildings with an area of ​​2 million square meters. At present, many places across the country, including Jinan, Sanya, and Shenzhen, are exploring centralized cooling models.

  The effect of energy saving and emission reduction is remarkable, and the market potential of centralized cooling is huge

For users, buying cold water is more economical and environmentally friendly than installing air conditioners. Then, corresponding to the centralized heating in the north, which areas are suitable for centralized cooling, and what are the economic benefits of investing in such projects?

An industrial park in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, operates a central heating and cooling project. According to the person in charge, the local area has high humidity and low temperature in winter, and there is a demand for heating; at the same time, the high temperature in summer lasts for a long time, and the park is densely populated, so the demand for cooling is also great. So they designed and built this comprehensive energy system that can provide both cooling and heating.

Sun Kai, person in charge of an energy project in Meishan, Sichuan: There are 5 months of heating season, 5 months of cooling season, and 2 months of fresh wind season. Cooling in summer and heating in winter use the same set of equipment and the same pipeline to maximize the overall energy advantage.

The addition of centralized cooling allows the heating pipelines that were idle in summer to also play a role, which greatly saves repeated construction costs and space resources. Industry insiders pointed out that such projects are heavy asset investments with a long return on investment period.

During the interview, the reporter found that centralized cooling has the characteristics of intensive land use, high efficiency and energy saving, peak shifting and capacity reduction, and is more suitable for promotion and application in areas with high density of commercial buildings such as urban CBDs, so as to alleviate the heat island effect caused by the large number of air conditioners installed in these areas. . Whether it can be extended to residential users in the future depends on the continuous reduction in costs brought about by technology.


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