RX 7700/7800/7900 graphics card prices leaked: AMD is very tangled


AMD’s RX 7000 series has previously released three graphics cards, RX 7900 XTX/XT/7600, and recently launched a special version of RX 7900 GRE for the Chinese market. There are still three graphics cards to be released at the Cologne Games Show in August. Fill the 3000-4000 yuan file market.

These three graphics cards are RX 7900, RX 7800 and RX 7700. The latter two are not surprising to everyone, but this RX 7900 (without XT/XTX) has not been heard much. The well-known breaking news V@MILD said back to the United States And a small amount of shipments to Europe.

The RX 7900 has 70 sets of CU units, while the RX 7900 XT has 84 sets, the flagship RX 7900 XTX has 96 sets, and the just-released RX 7900 GRE has 80 sets of CU units.

If you look at it this way, maybe the RX 7900 is mainly for overseas markets such as Europe and the United States, and the RX 7900 GRE with higher specifications is mainly for the Chinese market.After all, the market is big enough but the competition is fierce. N cards are especially strong in China, and AMD needs to pay a little more.

There is also the MSRP suggested price. Judging from the revelations of MILD, AMD is very entangled in the pricing of these three graphics cards, and has not yet determined the specific price.

  The recommended price of the RX 7900 graphics card is between US$579 and US$649, which is about RMB 4136 to 4636.

  The recommended price of the RX 7800 graphics card is between 499 and 549 US dollars, or about RMB 3,565 to 3,922

  The recommended price of the RX 7800 graphics card is between 399 and 449 US dollars, or about RMB 2850 to 3208

The difference between different pricing is about 50 to 70 US dollars, which does not seem to be much, but it directly affects the profit. If the lower limit price is counted, the three RX 7000 graphics cards are very cost-effective, but it is not easy to make money.

If it is set according to the upper limit price, it will be difficult to widen the gap with NVIDIA’s RTX 40 series graphics cards. The domestic suggested price of RTX 4070 is 4799 yuan.3922 plus value-added tax is estimated to be about 4799 yuan. Obviously, the latter is more attractive. AMD will suffer in terms of optical pursuit and DLSS3.

The price of 5299 yuan for RX 7900 GRE has already been learned. This time, RX 7700/7800/7900 can make Fan A shout Yes again.


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