OnePlus Ace 3 officially announced to be released on January 4


On December 27, OnePlus announced that it would release a new product, OnePlus Ace 3, on January 4. The OnePlus Ace series adheres to the concept of “product strength first”. From OnePlus Ace 2, OnePlus Ace 2V to OnePlus Ace 2 Pro, each model is a phenomenal hit and has been recognized and supported by a large number of users. As the first product of OnePlus in 2024, OnePlus Ace 3 will use its all-round attitude to fully popularize the flagship experience and create a new benchmark for performance mobile phones.

Li Jie, President of OnePlus China, said: “OnePlus Ace 3 brings the “popularization of flagship experience” to unprecedented heights. OnePlus firmly believes that “Flagships can be divided into price ranges, and flagship experiences are regardless of price ranges.” OnePlus Ace 3 has the best hardware configuration in its class, an unprecedented flagship experience, and a quality design that exceeds expectations. It is a product that will satisfy you ” An all-around mobile phone that you need, want, and want. “

Quality is the brand gene of OnePlus. OnePlus Ace 3 adopts new glass technology and flagship-grade metal middle frame to create a new pinnacle of performance mobile phone texture. It draws color inspiration from the sky, earth, ocean and other natural things to bring three creative color combinations: Sand Gold and Star. Black and moon sea blue.

The Mingsha gold color scheme presents a clear glass texture and metallic color, interpreting the art of light and shadow to the extreme, combining power and elegance; the star black color scheme can present different effects at different angles, as quiet as a dark night and as bright as stars; the moon sea blue color scheme is like The moonlit night is like the ocean, with waves hidden in the calmness.

OnePlus Ace 3 will also debut a 1.5K Oriental screen in the world, fully inheriting the OnePlus 12 flagship screen experience, and achieving the best display, eye protection, and smoothness at the same time; it supports ultra-thin fingerprint unlocking, compared with the commonly used short-focus fingerprint in the same class , has a more reasonable unlocking position and faster unlocking experience; equipped with a large-capacity battery that is rare in its class, and has ultra-long battery life…

OnePlus Ace 3 continues to adhere to the concept of “product power first”. Both hardware configuration and software optimization are completely based on user needs. It subverts traditional definitions with its killer performance, brings the comprehensive popularization of flagship experience, and creates a new benchmark for performance mobile phones in 2024. .


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