OnePlus Ace 3 launched with price starting from 2,599 yuan


On January 4, 2024, OnePlus launched its latest mobile phone: OnePlus Ace 3. This phone is positioned as a high-performance gaming phone and aims to provide a high-end experience to a wider consumer group, with outstanding performance in terms of cost performance and convenience.

OnePlus Ace 3 has built-in second-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, LPDDR5X memory and UFS 4.0 storage, providing up to 16GB of RAM and up to 1TB of storage space. In addition, it is equipped with a top-level heat dissipation system to ensure that the phone stays cool while running at high performance.

OnePlus Ace 3 uses flagship metal middle frame and glass technology, and is available in three colors: star black, moon sea blue and sand gold. Its 3D curved surface design and precision craftsmanship give the phone a unique texture and comfortable holding experience. This phone has the world’s first 1.5K Oriental screen, providing ultra-high display quality and eye protection. Equipped with a self-developed image quality engine and combined with OPPO’s display chip, the OnePlus Ace 3’s screen leads products of the same level in terms of clarity, color accuracy and brightness balance.

OnePlus Ace 3 is equipped with Sony IMX890 flagship main camera, which supports high-quality shooting effects. The equipped ultra-clear image quality algorithm and ultra-light and shadow image algorithm further improve the shooting effect. OnePlus Ace 3 comprehensively upgrades the communication experience and supports efficient Wi-Fi and cellular data connections to ensure a stable network experience in various environments.

The mobile phone is specially optimized for gaming performance, including a dedicated graphics chip and multiple game enhancement technologies to provide a smooth and stable gaming experience. This phone is equipped with a large 5500mAh battery and 100W flash charging technology, providing excellent battery life and fast charging experience.

OnePlus Ace 3 is a comprehensive performance mobile phone. It is not only leading in hardware configuration, but also carries out in-depth work on software optimization and user experience. With its reasonable price and high-end features, OnePlus Ace 3 is committed to allowing more users to enjoy a flagship-level mobile phone experience.

The OnePlus Buds 3 true wireless noise-canceling headphones released at the same time provide a high-quality audio experience and deep noise reduction function. When used with the OnePlus Ace 3, it can bring a richer multimedia experience.


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