Fan Deng talks with Liang Yongan, the speaker of Fanshu Extraordinary Reading Center, interprets literary classics and answers the answers to life


“I support young people chewing on old age” “We must learn to incorporate absurdity into daily life” “The limitation of men is that they cannot see the value of women”… In today’s world, most people “seem to be calm but actually go crazy at any time” In this era, Liang Yong’an, a professor in the Chinese Department of Fudan University, has brought “open life lessons” to young people on the Internet platform with his open-minded and cheerful thoughts and frequent golden quotes, and has become a veritable Internet celebrity at the age of 70. A knowledge blogger with millions of fans, he is known as “the post-50s generation who has the most empathy for young people on the Internet.”

In order to allow the majority of young book lovers to find a “spiritual habitat” in Fanshu APP, Fanshu warmly invites Professor Liang Yong’an to settle in the Extraordinary Intensive Reading Center, and broaden the horizons of book lovers through the youthful insights of this professor born in the 50s. On March 12, Professor Liang Yong’an officially moved in. Let’s see how this literature professor who “will never stop talking until his words are surprising” interprets classics at the Fanshu Extraordinary Reading Center to give guidance to young people and speak out the voices of many people.

As one of the core products of Fanshu APP, Feifan Intensive Reading Hall brings together experts from various fields, such as the famous writer and scholar Yu Qiuyu, Fudan University philosophy professor Xu Yingjin, and deputy chief physician of neurosurgery at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital Jin Bo, etc. From professors to doctors, from directors to hosts, many knowledgeable scholars and industry authorities are gathered here. Through their rich experience and unique insights, they open up a treasure trove of knowledge for book lovers, light up a beacon for moving forward, and gain wisdom. and inspiration, making the reading journey more colorful. The arrival of Professor Liang Yongan this time has also set off a new wave of enthusiasm in the Extraordinary Reading Hall.

In Liang Yongan’s view, in today’s era of diverse and complex transformation, uncertainty has greatly increased, and various troubles arise unexpectedly, such as career choices, love troubles, and the loneliness within our spirits. Those born in the 1970s and 1980s are confused about the unknown of society, those born in the 90s are confused about new knowledge, and those born in the 2000s are exploring themselves behind the Internet. These are the overlapping and difficult issues of our times today. How can everyone make their own clear life choices? Liang Yongan hopes to give young friends some ideas for solving problems in life through interpretation of classic literature.

Starting from March 12, every Tuesday, Liang Yongan will bring a classic literary interpretation to meet with you at the Fanshu Extraordinary Reading Center for six consecutive weeks. Currently, “The Moon and Sixpence” and “Flowers for Algernon” interpreted by Professor Liang Yongan have been officially launched online and have been played nearly 600,000 times in less than two weeks. Next, there are more wonderful books such as “Gone with the Wind” and “Flowers” waiting for you. Listen to teacher Liang Yongan’s new books every week. After listening to 6 books in total, you can unlock the 18-day Extraordinary Intensive Reading Library VIP and enjoy all the good books in the library.

Share your thoughts after reading on Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Bilibili and @Fanshu-Feifan Intensive Reading Hall. You will also have the opportunity to become a “Good Book Amway Official”, receive tickets for the Theory of Knowledge Evolution (including machine wine), and watch Professor Liang Yongan’s speech on site! In addition, at Fan Deng’s Douyin live broadcast room at 7:30 pm on March 22, Liang Yongan and Fan Deng will discuss the topics of work, love, social competition, and happy life from a literary perspective.

At Fanshu (formerly Fan Deng Reading) Extraordinary Reading Center, listen to what you want to hear, experience Professor Liang’s sharp interpretation of classic books, and explore more excitement and possibilities in life.


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