Computing power is also a gravitational field


Movie special effects, smart customer service… These applications are common in daily life, but behind the visible applications are invisible computing power.

“The computing power of 1 P is 1000 trillion floating-point computing power per second, which is equivalent to the computing speed of processing 7000 pictures per second, which is very fast.” said the chief operating officer of Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Computing Center. Not long ago, the Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Computing Center jointly built by Hebei District and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. was connected to China Hashrate Network. The first batch of 100P computing power was put into operation, and it was fully loaded when it went online.

The construction of computing power infrastructure is not the fundamental purpose, and the most important thing is to transform computing power into productivity. At present, more than 100 enterprises have realized the transformation and implementation of new technologies with the support of computing power in the Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Computing Center, and have driven the gathering of ecological partners to empower the intelligent upgrading of industries by gathering wisdom. Promoting the close integration of computing power and industry will open up a broader space for development.

Let the computing power be used and used well, and productivity can be transformed into competitiveness, thereby attracting more enterprises on the chain. However, even if they realize that the prospects are bright, some small and medium-sized enterprises can only hold back due to their lack of strength. Therefore, the provision of inclusive computing power services not only meets standardized applications that meet universal needs, but also customizes applications that meet individual needs, in order to enable computing power to be more widely empowered. For example, to solve the problems of expensive computing power and difficult acquisition of scientific research institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises; to break through the breakpoints of artificial intelligence technology to industry applications, artificial intelligence technology ecology to business ecology, and so on.

It empowers and accelerates the intelligent upgrading of thousands of industries, transforms computing power into attractiveness, gathers more enterprises, forms an innovative ecology, and realizes the two-way rush of enterprises and computing power. On the one hand, it allows enterprises to try more new technologies in richer scenarios. On the other hand, more and more enterprises provide more new scenarios for the application development of artificial intelligence. Give full play to the advantages of computing power, make it a “gravitational field” that gathers various elements, and promote the deep integration of innovation chains and industrial chains, which will eventually be transformed into productivity, competitiveness, and attractiveness that promote high-quality development.


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