45 certificates were issued by the police to untie Alipay


Inexplicably owed 13,000 yuan in debt. After investigation, it was found that someone had stolen his identity to open an Alipay credit account. When he applied to the platform for unbinding, Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Wuhan, had no choice but to ask the police for help because he could not prove that this “own account” was not his own.

In order to prove it for him, the police spent a week traveling back and forth to banks, operators, police stations, etc., collected 45 proof materials and submitted them to Alipay customer service, and finally solved this trouble for him. On July 27, Mr. Zhang, a citizen, called the police for help. He received a call from Alipay’s customer service, saying that 13,000 yuan in his Huabei account had not been repaid on schedule and was overdue.

I have never used my Huabei account, how could there be an overdue record? Mr. Zhang checked his Alipay account and found that there was an abnormality in the account, and the Huabei credit amount in the account had decreased a lot. Worried about his account being stolen, Mr. Zhang, who was distraught, immediately called the police for help. After receiving the police, Liu Kaichen, a policeman from the Shenlong Police Station of the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, asked Mr. Zhang about the incident in detail.

Mr. Zhang said that the Alipay account with overdue repayment was bound to his own identity information, but the mobile phone number bound to the account did not belong to him. Mr. Zhang recalled that his ID card and bank card were lost around 2018. It may be that his identity was used to bind his Alipay account during the loss period. Mr. Zhang told the police that he had already reported the relevant problems to Alipay’s official customer service, but he did not find an effective solution because he did not have the authority to provide evidence related to the mobile phone.

The policeman Liu Kaichen sorted out the specific situation of Mr. Zhang in detail, and by contacting the operator, he confirmed the mobile phone number information bound to the Alipay account with the problem of overdue repayment, and thus found the owner of the account, Ms. Li. But the owner of the account, Ms. Li, said she was unaware of the situation. Liu Kaichen called Alipay’s customer service repeatedly to learn about the supporting materials that need to be submitted. According to customer service requirements, Liu Kaichen visited banks, telecom operators, police stations and other units for a week, and finally helped Mr. Zhang obtain 45 pieces of certification materials, including contacting the operator to obtain the mobile phone card bound to the Alipay account The owner’s relevant information materials, the bank card transaction information bound to the Alipay account, the bank card’s loss report information, the caller Mr. Zhang’s report on the loss of his ID card and bank card, and the report from Mr. Zhang’s trip to the Shenlong Police Station. . “Only the bank card held by Mr. Zhang has a stack of records for the past three years.” Liu Kaichen introduced.

On August 3, Mr. Zhang received a notice from Alipay customer service: the relevant account has been unbound from Mr. Zhang. The police remind the general public to bind relevant personal accounts with their real names. If there are binding or other operational errors, they should communicate with the official customer service in a timely manner and do not trust any unqualified personnel to avoid unnecessary losses. (Changjiang Daily)


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