A “village BA” “playing” the spirit of rural revitalization Tianjin “Binhai Rural Commercial Bank Cup” Hemei Village Basketball Competition officially opened


  Park the farm machinery and come play! Basketball has a broad mass base in rural areas of Tianjin and is very popular among peasants.In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 2023 Central Document No.Innovate the carrier of farmers’ sports activities, carefully plan and hold the Hemei Village Basketball Competition, and strive to create a brand of farmers’ sports events integrating agriculture, culture, tourism and sports, and enrich the cultural and sports life of farmers.

  On June 16, Tianjin “Binhai Rural Commercial Bank Cup” Hemei Country Basketball Competition was held in Shiyibao Village, Duliu Town, Jinghai District, TianjinChunguang Family Farm opens.The town-level audition in Duliu Town, Jinghai District will start immediately. Rural basketball teams from 8 villages and streets compete in the same field, competing for the qualification to represent the town in the district-level audition.Participating in the sea electionPlayers include breeding experts, agricultural machinery operators, members of family farms and agricultural cooperatives, etc. In life, they are experts in agricultural production. On the field, they use their hard work and vitality to play the rural style of play, and write the spirit of rural sports while enjoying the joy of sports.The game site is also arrangedThe agricultural product exhibition area and the rural traditional handicraft exhibition area set up on-site lottery and prize-winning question and answer sessions, and prepared Xiaozhan rice, yogurt, special hot sauce, Taitou watermelon and other “Jinnong Boutique” brand agricultural products as prizes for participating players and audience .


  Tianjin “Binhai Rural Commercial Bank Cup” Harmony Rural Basketball Competition is co-hosted by Tianjin Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, Tianjin Sports Bureau, Tianjin Culture and Tourism Bureau and the people’s governments of various agriculture-related areas. Tianjin Rural Social Business Development Service Center and Organized by Tianjin Farmers Sports Association and named by Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank. The competition starts with “Enjoy the game, taste the food, enjoy the folk customs, and watch the beautiful scenery, and work together to build a harmonious and beautiful village“” as the theme, adopts a three-level linkage and layer-by-layer selection competition mode, which is divided into three stages: town and street sea elections, district-level selection competitions, and municipal finals, covering all administrative villages. The competitions in each stage of the competition highlight the “agricultural ” and “fun”, the stadiums are located in villages, farms, markets, and rural tourist spots. All participating players are rural residents. Cultural performances, rural food fairs and other activities highlight the strong local atmosphere. The competition will last from June to August, bringing exciting events to the urban and rural residents of the city for three consecutive months, and finally two outstanding teams will be selected to represent Tianjin Participate in the 2023 National Hemei Country Basketball Competition.

Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank, as the title sponsor of this event, will better play the role of the main financial force of local corporate banks by participating in this event, and provide better services for the city’s rural industries, rural culture, leisure tourism, Jinnong boutique, etc. Good financial services.


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