“2023 Digital Economy Boosts High-Quality Development (Beijing)” Forum Held in Beijing


On the afternoon of August 28, 2023, the “2023 Digital Economy Boosts High-Quality Development (Beijing)” forum hosted by China Internet Network Information Center CNNIC Think Tank was held in Beijing. Discussions and exchanges on various aspects of Internet basic resources and new technology development.

Zhou Hongren, former executive deputy director of the National Informatization Expert Advisory Committee

Zhou Hongren, former executive deputy director of the National Informatization Expert Advisory Committee, delivered a speech at the forum. Director Zhou Hongren pointed out that in the past 30 years, the Internet has achieved unprecedented development in China. It has become a world-renowned Internet power and application power. The Internet has become a new engine for China’s economic and social development, a new tool for improving people’s livelihood, a new channel for disseminating information, and a new window for observing the times. The 52nd “Statistical Report on Internet Development in China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Report”) released this time once again provides a relatively comprehensive and valuable reference for China’s Internet development panorama. It can be seen from this that the development of the Internet is entering a new “transition period” with the integration and innovation of emerging technologies as the background. Subversive changes will follow in science, technology, industry, and even the economic, social, and cultural development models of human society. These major developments and their social impact deserve great attention and research.

  Zeng Yu, director of the China Internet Network Information Center, pointed out that under the guidance of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the vitality of my country’s Internet development has been further released, and the Internet has become an important driving force for economic transformation and social change.The 52nd “Newspaper” released this time“Report”, showing the five main trends of my country’s Internet development in the first half of the year: First, the construction of network infrastructure has achieved remarkable results, and network coverage has continued to advance;Second, the integration of technology and industrial innovation is accelerating,The Industrial Internet promotes the accelerated transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and promotes the digital and intelligent development of industries;Third, digital industrialization is booming,The information transmission, software and information technology service industries maintained rapid growth;Fourth, the Internet continues to help the construction of new countryside,The vast rural market is gradually enjoying the convenience and benefits brought by the digital society;Fifth, the construction of Internet government affairs has advanced by leaps and bounds.The construction of the national integrated government service platform has gradually achieved results.

Jin Hainan, deputy director of the Internet Division of the Information and Communication Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the 52nd “Report” released by this forum made a comprehensive review and summary of the development of my country’s digital economy in the first half of 2023. The number of netizens in my country has steadily expanded, the construction of digital infrastructure has achieved remarkable results, network application services have continued to be enriched, the level of Internet application aging and barrier-free has been continuously improved, the empowering effect of digital integration has become increasingly prominent, and network inclusive services have been further promoted. In the future, we will continue to do in-depth and detailed industry development investigation and research work to provide strong support for government decision-making and high-quality development of the industry.

Wang Changqing, director of the Internet Development Research Department of China Internet Network Information Center, released the 52nd “Report”, interpreting the core data of users such as the scale of Internet users in my country, the Internet penetration rate, and the utilization rate of various Internet applications in the first half of the year, and passed the digital basis for the first half of the year Detailed data and cases in terms of facilities construction, digital technology adaptation for aging, and new technologies empowering digital formats, etc., show that in the first half of the year, the continuous innovation of Internet technology has realized digital benefits to the people, the steady growth of the digital economy has helped the economic recovery, and the industrial Internet has empowered digitalization Transformation and other positive progress.

In the dialogue session of the forum and salon, experts generally believed that the scale of netizens and Internet penetration rate released in the 52nd “Report” fully reflected that the general public in our country kept up with the trend of technological development in the world and fully integrated into the Internet era. The development of technology has always served people, and the Internet and information technology have played a positive role in improving people’s sense of happiness, gain and security. In the future, the Internet needs to further form a high-quality development paradigm to promote the continuous improvement of the quality and experience of digital benefits for the people. Experts conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the digital divide, Internet literacy, digital villages, digital transformation, counting from east to west, IPv6, satellite Internet, smart cars, and artificial intelligence.


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