Yadea electric vehicles realize the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy


The private economy is an important subject to promote supply-side structural reforms, promote high-quality development, and build a modern economic system. As the main force of my country’s economy, private enterprises will undoubtedly become the key variable for economic recovery and development this year. As the world’s leading two-wheeled electric mobility company, with a sales network covering 100 countries and regions around the world, Yadea has ranked first in global sales for six consecutive years, becoming the first listed company in the industry and the first Chinese top 500 private company.

As a world-renowned electric vehicle brand, Yadea is headquartered in Wuxi, Jiangsu, and has seven production bases in Wuxi, Jiangsu, Qingyuan, Guangdong, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Tianjin, Jinzhai, Anhui, and Vietnam. At the same time, Yadea electric vehicle also has 2 CNAS laboratories, 6 technology research and development centers and a technology research and development team of more than 1,000 people, and has mastered more than 1,350 patents. With more than 70 million users worldwide, it has continuously participated in major European and American auto shows and shined on the world stage, exporting green and smart travel solutions to the world.

Standing at the commanding heights of industrial development, Yadea is also actively seeking to use intelligent technology and applications as the support to solve various problems encountered by consumers in the process of riding. On February 27, a Zhengzhou media group walked into Yadea’s Anhui Jinzhai base to visit the entire production process of Yadea’s electric vehicles and gain an in-depth understanding of the company’s production, operation and development. During the visit, the media group not only lamented the revitalization and development of Jinzhai, Anhui, an old revolutionary area, but also was shocked by the operation and production process of Yadea’s automation equipment, intelligent chemical factories, and robot processing. “Robots” working on the job and operating intelligently are not new in Yadi Jinzhai factory. Under the leadership of the staff, the reporter saw the automatic injection molding machine, automatic sorting area, 100,000-class dust-free automatic coating area, intelligent cutting area, automatic packaging line and other intelligent production areas in the Yadi Jinzhai base.

Production workshop of Yadea electric vehicle Jinzhai, Anhui

Yadi Jinzhai base not only has high-end pipe fitting processing equipment such as automatic blanking machine, CNC pipe bending machine, pneumatic punching machine, and arc punching machine, but also has an excellent hanging basket assembly line. The landing of the industrial park not only realizes the upgrading of product quality, but also uses industrial software such as manufacturing execution system, energy management, and quality management in the production process to realize the visualization and transparency of the production site. Ensure that the production process is connected and the factory structure is reasonable, and gradually promote the digitization, automation, and safety of the factory; at the same time, the energy consumption of equipment and production lines can be collected in time to achieve high-efficiency energy utilization, relying on machines instead of manual labor to reduce pollution and danger, and realize production waste. Recycle and reuse to implement sustainable goals.

At present, the international and domestic environment is undergoing profound and complex changes, and my country’s development is facing new situations and new tasks. Private enterprises not only face broad development prospects and opportunities, but also encounter some difficulties and perplexities. Yadea Electric Vehicle always firmly believes that a successful brand = quality assurance + suitable positioning + perfect service, so that the private economy can “fly”. I believe that in the future, Yadea will continue to forge ahead, continue to shoulder the mission of “enabling hundreds of millions of people to enjoy beautiful travel”, and contribute to the development of the private economy.


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