Xinjin Cuisine? Even More Exciting “Pinzhen? Haihe Ferry” Chinese Restaurant at Tianjin R&F Wanda Vista


  On August 25, the opening ceremony of the Chinese restaurant “Pinzhen·Haihe Ferry” was successfully held at Tianjin R&F Wanda Vista Hotel. As the first store opened after the strategic cooperation between the catering company of Wanda Hotels and Resorts and Fudehui Zhiguan Restaurant, “Pinzhen·Haihe Ferry” was unveiled in Jinmen with the theme of the Folklore Museum.

Relevant leaders of the Market Supervision Bureau and Dazhigu Street, Mr. Zhang Song, Chairman of Fudehui Catering Group, Mr. Dong Jun, Vice President of Wanda Hotels and Resorts, Mr. Yu Haitao, Director of Wanda Wine Management Catering Company, Yi Guo, Director of Asset Management Center of R&F Group Mr. Yi and other leaders and guests attended the opening ceremony.

As the world’s first Michelin-starred Northeast cuisine, Zhiguan Restaurant under Fudehui follows the concept of “eating from time to time, not eating from place to place”. Fudehui has been deeply involved in catering for decades, adhering to the original intention of “rooting down, blooming outward, and bearing fruit upward”, constantly exploring local food culture, refining traditional cooking techniques, respecting the original taste of ingredients, and creating intangible cultural heritage delicacies. Wanda Hotels and Resorts takes “pragmatic innovation, promoting Chinese culture” as its brand concept. As one of the representatives of Chinese hotel brands, it upholds the responsibility and obligation of inheriting and carrying forward Chinese traditional culture. Based on the common pursuit of Chinese culture and high-quality Chinese food experience, Wanda Hotels and Resorts and Fudehui jointly launched the Chinese restaurant “Pinzhen·Haihedukou” in combination with Wanda Vista’s admiration for local customs.

Haihe River is the birthplace of Tianjin culture, which contains the epitome of the times. Wanda Vista Tianjin is located in Dazhigu, adjacent to the picturesque Haihe River. Starting from the mouth of the Liaohe River, based on the Haihe River in Tianjin, it traces the origin and inherits and innovates with the fishermen’s dishes at the ferry. In the speech session of the event, Mr. Dong Jun of Wanda Hotels and Resorts and Director of Fudehui Catering Group gave wonderful opening speeches respectively. Mr. Dong Jun said: “Through the two-way empowerment of Wanda Hotel and Fudehui, and in-depth exploration, it is not only necessary to make good ferry food! It is also necessary to tell the story of Ferry well!”

“Pinzhen Haihe Ferry” Chinese restaurant is located on the 6th floor of Wanda Vista Tianjin. It has 8 private rooms and displays more than 200 pieces of artwork and folk culture. As a special restaurant with the theme of the Folklore Museum, diners can intuitively and immersively feel the historical charm and charm of the ferry culture through the old objects imprinted with time while tasting the food.


After the official opening of the “Pinzhen · Haihe Ferry” restaurant, the chef team of the Michelin-starred restaurant of Fudehui and the star chef team of Wanda will present wonderful Xinjin dishes. Based on seasonal special ingredients, mountain delicacies, river fresh foods, seafood, and lake fresh foods, the non-heritage gourmet Dukou Fisherman’s Cuisine is integrated with Tianjin’s local characteristics, and through the traceability and innovation of traditional cooking methods, it brings unforgettable taste buds to Tianjin diners. feast.

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