“First store” continues to increase the size to stimulate new vitality of urban consumption


  Tianjin North Net News: First store economy“As an important indicator to measure a city’s commercial activity and innovation, it has always attracted the attention of consumer markets around the world. These first stores, concept stores, and flagship stores not only enrich the business experience of urban residents, but also become an “innovation factor” “, promoting the iterative upgrading of urban commerce.

  In recent years, with the continuous iteration of consumer demand, providing consumers with personalized and high-quality consumption space has gradually become the mainstream trend of the market, especially in the creation of cultural consumption, experiential consumption, and scene-based consumption. Facing the innovation of consumer trends,The “first store economy” is regarded as a new engine to stimulate the vitality of urban business circles and release the consumption potential of residents.

  sinceSince it was proposed in 2015, the “first store economy” has become an important measure to enhance the commercial charm of cities in various places. The development of “first store economy” can not only drive the formation of new consumption growth points through the gathering of first stores, but also stimulate consumption desire and lead the social trend through many innovative forms of first store brands, so as to realize the upgrading of consumption structure and urban functions transformation. Looking at the whole country, under the guidance and support of local government policies and the continuous optimization of the business environment in various cities, the “first store economy” has flourished, actively helping to revitalize the city’s commercial vitality, and fully stimulating and releasing the consumption potential of local residents.

  Today, the first store economy has ushered inIn the 4.0 era, the development stage of differentiated competition, the market is more eager for high-quality brands.In recent years, the first store has gradually become the object of competition from major cities, commercial streets, shopping centers and other parties because of its own traffic.The “report card” has a lot of weight. On the other hand, brands are also creating more types of “first stores”. In addition to repeatedly expanding the geographical scope of the first stores, they also effectively use the influence of the first stores by shaping different types of first stores.

  With the continuous acceleration of Tianjin’s pace of building an international consumption center city,The “first store economy” is also continuing to exert its strength. Many shopping center projects are actively introducing “first store” brands to help upgrade consumption. For example, MANNER coffee, which focuses on presenting the classic coffee taste of coffee producing regions around the world, will open in the near future ; This Shake Shack burger restaurant from New York has attracted a lot of attention since it announced its establishment in Shanghai. Today, this hamburger restaurant is about to open in Tianjin Joy City; the first store of gulugulu in Tianjin is stationed in Joy City, still continuing the brand fashion, young visual design and accompanying users who love fashion and pursue quality of life; Once you enter the city life, you can experience the “distance” at any time without leaving the city or making complicated preparations.For many people, a camping-style coffee shop: tents, canopies, reclining chairs, green plants, and a cup of coffee will create a full sense of atmosphere.

  in luxury brandsTianjin Vientiane City has continuously introducedHermes, Canada Goose, MaxMara, etc. have more than 20 first stores in Tianjin, and more than 30 flagship stores in cities. Since the beginning of this year, Tianjin Vientiane City has introduced a total of 7 first stores, which has comprehensively promoted the creation of cultural labels and the upgrading of brand portfolio.


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