Why is Ouxia?Mediterranean Hotel popular among consumers?


The rustic clay pots stand in front of the beautiful earth brown rock wall, and the blue and yellow colors that can be seen everywhere are dotted with leisure and freehand brushwork. Go up to the 8th floor and come to the Sky Garden. In front of you is a 360-degree film-making treasure land with no dead ends. The eight sceneries of Guilin will gently surround you. The turquoise Lijiang River fills the eyes, as if standing on the Aegean Sea thousands of miles away. This is Ouxia·Mediterranean (Elephant Trunk Hill, Two Rivers, Four Lakes, East and West Alley, Guilin).

Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill Liangjiang Sihu East-West Lane Store) is located in the center of Binjiang Road, Xiufeng District, Guilin City. In the hotel, you can not only enjoy the panoramic view of Elephant Trunk Hill, Lijiang River, Xiaoyao Tower, Sun and Moon Twin Towers, etc. “Guilin Eight Scenic Spots”, and it is only a 10-minute walk from most of the major attractions.

In order to effectively balance the landscape and architecture, Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill Two Rivers Four Lakes East and West Alley Store)

It is also equipped with oversized floor-to-ceiling glass windows and an ultra-wide viewing terrace, which integrates soft line designs of ancient Greek art styles such as arched viewing windows and arc doors, and is matched with colors such as blue, white, olive, golden, and logs to complement the Art pendants, pottery pots, log furniture, rattan decoration, and marine rock oak walls create a comfortable and comfortable holiday atmosphere.

From comfortable river-view rooms to high-end suites, top facilities + private configuration meet the needs of diverse travel combinations; from high-top LOFT to family portrait parent-child rooms, whether it is family travel, girlfriends vacation, or business travel, all requirements can be met. .Stay in Ouxia·Mediterranean (Elephant Trunk Hill, Two Rivers, Four Lakes, East and West Alley, Guilin

shop), check in on the “Aegean Sea” theme rooftop, and consumers go there one after another.

Analysts in the industry believe that the reason why Ouxia·Mediterranean (Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill Liangjiangsihu Dongxixiang store) is popular with consumers is because of its meticulous design in details. Whether it is blue and white Mediterranean tones, olive green brand main color, or Mediterranean elements such as round arches, clay pots, grain hatches, and woven fabrics,

All of them are more “international style” and more in line with the real needs of young people who are “easy to make movies” and this is one of the reasons why Ouxia·Mediterranean is so popular among consumers.

In fact, the Mediterranean style is not only limited to beautiful scenery, but also food and spiritual space. Ouxia·Mediterranean is also built around the material + spiritual space, centering on the three core needs of healthy eating, gathering and communication, and reverie space, creating the integration of four sections of “food space, dream space, sharing space, and energy space” to deepen the customer experience. The perception of the group brings a Mediterranean-style experience of slow life to the majority of passengers.

Check in the “Aegean Sea”, taste the “Mediterranean” style food, and personally experience the “Mediterranean” lifestyle. Ouxia·Mediterranean invites you to enjoy a wonderful holiday in the “Mediterranean” style.


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