Ouxia? The Mediterranean sails under the development strategy of “one city, one sea”


For mid-end hotels, hotel products not only need to conform to the public’s aesthetics and meet the needs of the public, but also need to have tangible product competitiveness and high-quality experience. This is not only the basis for a hotel brand to stand in the market, but also the foundation for its rapid development.

Ouxia·Mediterranean, whose market development layout is based on “one city and one sea”, has created a unique western “Mediterranean” life scene by virtue of the design derived from the “Mediterranean” balance of nature and architecture, as well as the elements of fashion trends. This captures the unanimous favor of consumers and investors.

Under the development strategy of “one city, one sea”, the layout of Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel in the whole country is also accelerating, and according to the characteristics of different popular regions, it has created one classic industry model after another. From Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Guilin Xiangshan Park Branch) to Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Guangdong Yangjiang Pearl Bay Scenic Spot), from Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Shanghai Xinzhuang Metro Station Branch) to Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Zhangzhou Changtai Kai) Joy Square Store), each of which is derived from the “Mediterranean” design that balances nature and architecture, creating a “Mediterranean”-like comfortable life experience and creating healthy food with “Mediterranean” characteristics, perfectly recreating the “Mediterranean” for sojourners leisure vacation experience. They have the same “Mediterranean” style, but also have their own unique logo.

The Time Corridor of Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel Shanghai Xinzhuang Subway Station, and the Aegean Marriage Proposal Roof of Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel Guilin Xiangshan Park, etc., have become popular spots on social media by virtue of their respective characteristics. Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel (Zhangzhou Changtai Hyatt Plaza) combines with the local culture of Zhangzhou, focuses on deepening the brand concept and value, and then truly establishes a Mediterranean-style resort brand business card.

Textured tiles and walls, blue and white Mediterranean tones, healthy food with “Mediterranean” characteristics, comfortable and warm life experience, and highly distinctive hotel aesthetic design have quickly established Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel’s reputation for entering the consumer market. Efficient channels have successfully established their own moat in the hotel market with severe homogeneous competition.

With advantages in multiple dimensions such as design style, marketing, and innovative services, Ouxia·Mediterranean Hotel has attracted great attention from investors, and has set sail under the development strategy of “one city, one sea”.



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