What small appliances do you recommend to improve your happiness when renting a house?


For many working-class workers, cooking is a very troublesome thing. Public kitchens often require queuing, and it is not very convenient in the bedroom. So are there some useful small appliances that can solve the cooking problem and increase happiness?

  1. Air fryer

First of all, what I would recommend is the air fryer. This small appliance is a treasure that I just discovered recently. It can not only replace the traditional method of frying food, but also cook food that is healthier and more delicious. I have tried making French fries and chicken wings in the air fryer and found that it cooks very well, with the same crispy texture as fried ones, but healthier.

In addition, the air fryer has a large capacity and can meet the needs of a family. It also has a timer function that can automatically stop or start during the cooking process, which is very convenient and practical. For young people who rent a house, this small appliance is not only easy to carry, but also allows you to enjoy healthy food.

If you are lazy, then I recommend that you just buy some pre-made dishes and foil plates. Using the two together allows you to easily make delicious food, and you don’t have to clean the air fryer! Save money and worry!

  2. Induction cooker

Next, what I would recommend is the induction cooker. This small appliance is also very practical. Not only can it replace a traditional gas stove, but it can also be used in a small rental space. You can use the induction cooker to cook all kinds of food, including stir-frying, making soup, boiling water, etc. It heats very quickly and can adjust the temperature, which is very convenient and practical.

In addition, induction cookers also have the advantages of safety and energy saving. They will not produce open flames and smoke, making them safer to use. For young people who rent a house, this small appliance can not only meet their daily cooking needs, but also improve the quality of life and happiness.

If you feel that cooking with induction cookers is very tedious, it is recommended that you just buy pre-made vegetable bags and simply stir-fry them at home, or buy clean vegetable bags from the supermarket, which are easy to use for making spicy hotpot or hot pot!

  3. Micro-steaming and baking all-in-one machine

The all-in-one micro-steaming and baking machine integrates multiple functions, including a microwave oven, an electric steamer, an oven, an air fryer, a stew pot… one is as good as N others. From this point of view, it is invincible in terms of space saving. Moreover, the desktop design is non-embedded, making it easy to move. Just pack it up and leave, which is much easier than carrying several small appliances. Please pay attention to the following points when purchasing.

① Steaming function: The power needs to be as high as possible to steam more evenly and quickly. This will not only make the steamed food better, but also shorten the waiting time;

② Baking function: There are heating tubes on the top and bottom, intelligent temperature control, and the ability to form circulating hot air, making baking more comprehensive, more professional, more flexible, more uniform, and more precise, so that the baked food tastes delicious , the color is pleasing to the eye;

③Microwave function: There are more gears, which can meet a variety of cooking needs. It can be adjusted intelligently and the control is more precise. In the past, my microwave oven only had three settings, which could not accurately control the food cooking temperature, and the control was not precise enough. There were often problems with the food being undercooked or the food being overheated and unable to be chewed;

④ Combination mode: The all-in-one micro-steaming and baking machine has three basic functions of microwave, steam and bake. The three basic functions can achieve various combinations, such as steaming, micro-steaming and micro-roasting, which can adapt to a variety of cooking needs. Eliminate the drawbacks of a single cooking method. For example, if some meat products are grilled alone, the cooking environment may be too dry, causing the meat to burn. However, integrating the steam function into the production process can achieve the effect of being charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Of course, it would be better to add as many auxiliary functions as possible.


Okay, the above are the small appliances I recommend that can improve your sense of happiness. They are very suitable whether you have limited living space or you are renting a house.


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