Urban crime suspense web drama “Super Sense Labyrinth” Duan Yihong, Dou Xiao, brother and enemy staged a duel between good and evil-Culture and Entertainment-Northern.com


On June 19, the urban crime suspense web drama “Super Sensation Labyrinth” starring Duan Yihong and Dou Xiao was unveiled at the 2023 Tencent Video Merchants Conference. The show’s highly ignited and reversed brain-burning plot, interlocking and extreme reasoning, and the structure of the two-male lead drama where good and evil confront each other made the industry insiders and fans of the show full of expectations.

Produced by Tencent Video, jointly produced and produced by Beijing Jinshu Shi Nian Culture Media Co., Ltd., and co-produced by Beijing Quku Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., the urban crime suspense web drama “Super Sensation Labyrinth” has assembled the industry’s top editorial team, and actor Duan Yihong is also the producer . It is reported that the show will officially start on June 28.

At the 2023 Tencent Video Investment Promotion Conference, the concept poster of “Super Sense Labyrinth” was officially released. The screen, light and shadow, and composition are full of strong movie texture. Under the high-saturation color background of alternating light and dark, elements such as crows, handcuffs, masks, mazes, feathers, blood drops, and sunlight are full of suspense, echoing the story characters.

In order to create a thrilling and tense visual atmosphere, the show boldly broke through the traditional concepts of similar dramas in terms of scene design and production techniques, and designed a visual presentation method of “visual reasoning” based on the personal characteristics of the pros and cons. The whole play strives to use the “virtual” and “real” scene switching, the narrative techniques of interludes and flashbacks, to shoot intuitive, easy-to-understand, and interesting “reasoning spectacle”, and to use pictures to guide the audience instead of too many “line explanations”. Limit perception.

The play takes the eternal topic of good and evil as the “core” to build a grand worldview. Multiple unsolved cases are intertwined with revenge mysteries spanning more than ten years, coupled with exciting, high-energy reversal plots and fast-paced narratives from various angles, I believe it will satisfy the current audience’s expectations and aesthetics for high-quality web dramas.

The high-burning story, the ultimate character design, the high-energy production, the confrontation between the two heroes, the confrontation between good and evil, the “emotional” pull between the pros and the villains is full of drama and artistry, giving the characters a complete emotional arc. The urban crime suspense web drama “Super Sensation Labyrinth” comes with full sincerity, and I believe it will definitely bring the audience an unforgettable immersive experience of chasing the drama!


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