[Traditional Chinese Medicine Beyond the Line]Glaucoma caused by liver-fire qi stagnation and kidney deficiency, activating qi and blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys, reversing vision

[Traditional Chinese Medicine Beyond the Line]Glaucoma caused by liver-fire qi stagnation and kidney deficiency, activating qi and blood, nourishing the liver and kidneys, reversing vision


Text ◆ Qiu Yufeng (TCM physician), “Ming Pao”

Glaucoma is a common eye disease that causes blindness. Due to its insidious onset and the complementary visual field of both eyes, it is difficult for patients to detect early visual field loss, and their vision is “stolen” bit by bit. Traditional Chinese medicine’s understanding of glaucoma began in the Tang Dynasty. Clinically, liver fire, qi stagnation and kidney deficiency are common pathogenesis.

Patients can improve intraocular pressure and fundus health through traditional Chinese medicine treatment combined with health maintenance to stabilize the condition and preserve vision.

The onset of glaucoma is insidious, and vision is “stolen” bit by bit. It is a common eye disease that causes blindness.

(Hong Kong News) Glaucoma can be classified into the categories of “green wind cataract” and “green wind cataract” in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a pupil disease. It is more likely to occur in people over 40 years old, more common in women, and has a genetic tendency. Chlorophyll cataracts include hardening of the eyeballs, dilated pupils, pale green pupils, severe vision loss, nausea and vomiting, similar to the symptoms of a sharp increase in intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve during an acute angle-closure glaucoma attack.

Insufficiency of kidney essence and loss of pupil and spirit nourishment

In the case of glaucoma cataract, the disease progresses slowly. The patient’s vision loss and visual field narrowing are gradual. The intraocular pressure may be normal or gradually increase. The eyeball gradually becomes hard and the pupil color slowly turns blue. Fundus examination can reveal that the optic nerve head is sunken and deepened. The color becomes lighter, and the central blood vessel deviates to the nasal side, similar to the performance of chronic angle-closure glaucoma.

Whether it is green wind cataract or green wind cataract, according to the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, it is related to liver and kidney disorders. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver opens the eyes and regulates drainage. If the liver’s function of drainage is abnormal, it will lead to disharmony between qi and blood, which will affect the smooth movement of qi and blood. Qi stagnation and blood stagnation will hinder the circulation of aqueous humor in the eyeball, forming stasis, and then destroying the eye structure. Liver-fire is raging, or liver-qi stagnation turns into heat over time. The heat attacks the head, which can cause swelling of the head and red eyes, increase intraocular pressure, damage intraocular tissues, and cause vision loss.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney stores essence and is the foundation of all life activities of the human body. Kidney deficiency and essence deficiency can lead to lethargy and blurred vision. When kidney yin is depleted, it can lead to yin deficiency and excessive fire, leading to inflammation in the eyes. Kidney yin deficiency can also cause excessive liver yang to lose control, causing wind yang to disturb the eyes orifices. Insufficient kidney essence will also cause the pupil to lose support. Specifically, it can affect the blood circulation and metabolism of the fundus of the eye, causing the optic nerve to gradually shrink, the visual field to gradually lose, and eventually blindness as the condition worsens.

Clear liver, purge fire, avoid eating spicy food

The traditional Chinese medicine treatment strategy for glaucoma needs to be based on clinical diagnosis and syndrome differentiation. It mainly includes three aspects: clearing away heat and purging fire, soothing the liver and promoting qi, and nourishing the liver and kidneys. For those with excessive liver and gallbladder fire and wind-fire attacking the eyes, the onset is sudden and can be caused by rage, excessive consumption of pungent foods, and improper supplementation. Common symptoms include swollen eyes, red whites of the eyes with a sense of heat, dark and cloudy eyes, and acute visual acuity. Symptoms include severe headache, nausea, bitter mouth, red tongue, yellow tongue coating, etc.

In terms of treatment, such patients should promptly clear the liver and purge fire. Traditional Chinese medicines such as buffalo horn, Uncaria, skullcap, chrysanthemum, etc. are commonly used. If the patient usually has a lot of phlegm, poor transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, and phlegm-heat attacks the head, it can be combined with clearing heat and resolving phlegm. Commonly used traditional Chinese medicines such as pinellia, tangerine peel, bamboo root, and squid, etc. are commonly used.

Patients should pay attention to abstaining from spicy and fried foods, avoid emotional agitation, and keep blood pressure stable.

Swollen eyes, red eyes, upset heart, bitter taste in mouth

The syndrome is liver stagnation and qi stagnation, and qi stagnation transforms into fire. It is more common in people who are usually unhappy and depressed. Due to the lack of liver function and qi machine stagnation, the movement of qi, blood, and water is gradually affected. Common symptoms of liver stagnation include persistent head and head pain, chest tightness, belching, loss of appetite, frequent sighing, dark red tongue, etc. In terms of treatment, it is advisable to soothe the liver and promote qi, and commonly used traditional Chinese medicines such as Bupleurum, white peony root, Cyperus cyperus, etc.

When liver qi stagnation reaches a certain level, it can cause qi stagnation to turn into fire. At this time, the patient will experience increased intraocular pressure, resulting in bloated eyes, red eyes, irritability, and bitter mouth. Traditional Chinese medicines that can clear away heat and calm the liver can be used to purge fire, such as Prunella vulgaris and gardenia. , Coptis chinensis, etc. Patients need to pay attention to regulating emotions, eating a light diet, and developing the habit of doing more exercise to straighten Qi.

Mostly related to old age and hard work

Glaucoma caused by kidney deficiency and essence deficiency develops slowly and is mostly related to old age and overwork. Long-term overwork (especially mental exertion) and insufficient rest will cause kidney essence to be depleted. Common clinical manifestations of patients with kidney deficiency and essence deficiency include dizziness, lack of energy, tinnitus, and waist and knee pain. People with simple kidney deficiency may not necessarily experience increased intraocular pressure, but narrow vision and blurred vision may be seen. Fundus examination may reveal optic atrophy, fundus vascular disease, etc.

Due to kidney yin deficiency, patients with inflammation caused by deficiency fire may experience dry eyes, dry mouth and tongue, insomnia and dreaminess, irritability and hot flashes. Such patients may have high intraocular pressure during examination, which reflects yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, and wind and yang disturbance.

In terms of treatment, patients are suitable for nourishing the kidneys and replenishing essence, nourishing yin and reducing fire. Commonly used traditional Chinese medicines include rehmannia glutinosa, wolfberry, donkey hide gelatin, etc., which have the effect of nourishing the kidneys, and Phellodendron, Anemarrhenae, Digupi, etc., which have the effect of clearing away heat. Patients need to avoid overexertion, strain their eyes too much, and ensure adequate rest to replenish their essence.

Massage acupoints around eyes

Relieve visual fatigue

Since chronic glaucoma usually has an insidious onset, if you find that your vision is often blurred, such as in fog, or a bright color ring appears around the light source when you look at something, accompanied by headaches, persistent eye swelling, decreased vision, narrowed visual field, etc., You should seek medical attention as soon as possible to get checked.

People with a family history of glaucoma, people with profound myopia, or those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease, as well as those who have had eye trauma or surgery, or have used steroids for a long time, are all at high risk for glaucoma and need to be more careful. , never ignore suspicious symptoms.

Blood circulation relaxes eye muscles

To improve the condition of glaucoma, protect vision, and slow down vision decline,

Daily massage of acupuncture points around the eyes can improve blood circulation around the eyes.

Relax eye muscles and relieve visual fatigue.

Commonly used acupoints around the eyes include Jingming, Cuanzhu, Tongziliao, Sizhukong, Yangbai and Chengqi. Each acupoint can be massaged gently for 30 seconds to 1 minute, 1 to 2 times a day.


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