【Doctors talk freely.Guanxinji】The biggest enemy

【Doctors talk freely.Guanxinji】The biggest enemy


“What exactly is the worst enemy of ‘good’?”

Because my wife flew to Hong Kong on official business, I also became a follower and accompanied her on her trip abroad for three days and two nights.

There is bitterness behind the price of success

A classmate of mine works as a plastic surgeon in Hong Kong and is well-known there. He once appeared on TVB to explain the plastic surgery process, and many famous actors and singers have operated on him. We were in the same class in elementary and middle school, and we also studied medicine abroad. After graduation, we went our separate ways. I stayed in a Malaysian government hospital and earned a low salary to survive. In his first year of practicing medicine in Hong Kong, he already earned tens of thousands a month. But this does not damage the friendship between us. Several times when I passed through Hong Kong and asked him to have dinner together, he always treated me. I felt very ashamed.

This time I planned to meet him for coffee to reminisce, but he actually invited us to eat at a Michelin three-star French restaurant. I looked at the prices of the food on the menu and almost fainted. This also shows that he is a very successful doctor in the industry, and the cost of this ultra-luxury restaurant is nothing to him.

Before we knew it, we started talking about work. At our age, we are at our peak in the medical field. Many of my classmates are university professors or directors of national hospitals. Of course, he is no exception and is even more successful than us. But the price of success has its bitter experience behind it.

His wife said: “He works all day long and goes to see the patient’s progress late at night after the operation. Sometimes the operation has excellent results and the patient is quite satisfied, but he is still worried about it.”

The classmate said in self-defense: “Changci must be like me! I heard that he also gets off work late at night.”

I smiled and replied: “The difference between you and me is in our views on job satisfaction. You are so successful because you are a typical perfectionist, but this is also the source of stress. And my requirement for perfection, I have already corrected it with the teacher.”

Chasing perfection can lead to trouble

When I was studying at the National Heart Center in Singapore, one day Professor Chen Yuan Sheng asked me to clear a patient’s coronary artery embolism, and he observed my performance outside the catheter room. I first used a coronary balloon to blow out the atherosclerosis, and then inserted a coronary stent. Looking back, the results were good, but I was still not satisfied, so I kept using strong balloons to make the stent wider.

Professor Chen broke into the cath lab and ordered the coronary heart angioplasty to be stopped. Later, he asked me on the sidelines: “What is (good)’s biggest enemy?”

I answered without thinking: “Bad!”

He taught me earnestly: “No! The answer is perfection.” He went on to explain: “In cardiology, if your grades are good, you should stop. If you pursue perfection, something will happen! Remember, this is the medical skill I’m passing on to you. The essence of.”

I didn’t know much about it at first, but when I was able to perform coronary heart surgery on patients alone, it turned out to be true. If I insist on perfect results, I will occasionally burst blood vessels. Similarly, if blood sugar control is perfect, hypoglycemia may occur from time to time. Bad, good, and perfect to the point of error are in a straight line. After perfection, something will go wrong.

I explained Professor Chen Yuansheng’s summary to my classmates. His wife nodded in agreement, while the classmates remained silent and thought silently. After all, it is not easy for such a successful doctor to change his medical practice model.

The wife asked them both in passing: “Can you tell that we have had plastic surgery?” They replied in unison: “No! You can tell by looking at it!”

Afterwards, I said to my wife alone: ​​”They praised you for your natural beauty, so you don’t need plastic surgery, but I am old because I don’t have plastic surgery. You can tell at a glance.”

Dear readers, can you accept being old?

(Guangming Daily/Doctor Column‧Author: Chen Changci)


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