To dismantle the “ticking time bomb” of menstruation, what are the advantages of the popular Qiaofei antibacterial sanitary napkin?


Think about it, have you ever experienced these maddening painful moments on those few days in a month? You obviously change your underwear every day, but there is always a faint smell mixed with blood lingering on your body; obviously you change your underwear every day; Her normal persona is that of a dignified lady, but the unbearable rash and itching make her restless all the time, and she always wants to run to the bathroom. She is obviously well prepared in the morning, but as time goes by, she does not change sanitary napkins for a long time. People feel uneasy and always feel like there is a “ticking time bomb” in their body…

All of this, I believe that sisters who have experienced it already have a sense of the picture in their minds, and their irritability levels are also rising sharply. Well, have you ever thought that such a situation is not just embarrassing or crazy?

  Danger! Hidden dangers in special times

Why are those days so “crisis-ridden”? First of all, the reason why menstruation produces odor is mainly because it is mixed with the smell of blood, endometrial and sebaceous gland secretions and sweat, so there is a relatively obvious odor. At the same time, wearing sanitary napkins for a long time during menstruation leads to poor local skin permeability, and menstrual blood may cause local irritation, which may cause local itching.

Not only that, before and during menstruation, the hormone levels and endocrine changes in women’s bodies will change. Affected by this, the excitability of women’s cerebral cortex will decrease, the body’s immunity will also decrease, and the reproductive organs will be smaller than usual during this period. It is easy for infection to occur and cause inflammation, which is what we call discolored menstrual inflammation.

Moreover, once this kind of inflammation occurs, it is not as simple as the embarrassment we mentioned above. When it gets serious, it is likely to have a serious impact on women’s health. In mild cases, it can cause various symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain, fever, increased vaginal secretions, etc. In severe cases, it may cause cervicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometritis, genitourinary system infections and other diseases, and may even lead to infertility. disease.

  Confused, menstrual hygiene encounters difficulties

According to data from the health department, there are currently more than 40 million women in my country suffering from gynecological diseases such as vaginitis, cervical erosion, and uterine fibroids. Among them, women under 20 years old and over 40 years old have higher prevalence rates, and women under 20 years old have higher prevalence rates. The prevalence rate is as high as 30.1%. The incidence of gynecological diseases has surpassed breast cancer and has become one of the major diseases threatening women’s health, and it is still growing rapidly every year. Experts analyze that more than half of them are caused by not paying attention to menstrual hygiene.

Seeing this, some people may say that since it is caused by lack of hygiene, then cleaning more frequently is enough, right? Unfortunately, if lotion is used too frequently to clean the private parts, it will lead to an imbalance of the flora in the private parts, which is more than enough.

So, what about menstrual care products such as menstrual deodorant spray, sanitary napkin freshener, menstrual underwear deodorant, and feminine care products on the market today? These products mainly inhibit bacteria and deodorize by adding some pure plant ingredients or fragrances, but It does not really kill fungal viruses, and some plant ingredients and alcohol are also likely to cause irritation and skin allergies. Not only that, some sanitary napkins with fragrance additives can also irritate the skin, disrupt the resident flora of the private parts, promote the growth of harmful bacteria such as Candida albicans, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus, aggravate the production of odor and even induce menstruation. Infect.

  Innovation, antibacterial and deodorizing to create peace of mind

Therefore, in response to the above problems, the solution for Qiaofei antibacterial sanitary napkins is not to “increase”, but to focus on “reducing”. This sanitary napkin uses natural bamboo fiber and silk textile technology. After “full” the basic attributes such as ultra-thin and breathable, it does not add any additives that cause allergies. The inspection report issued by the national authority shows that the product is non-irritating. sex.

At the same time, this product does not rely on any fragrance or medicinal flavor to cover up odors. Instead, with the support of 9-second patented odor-free technology, it uses natural lactic acid to neutralize, remove odors and achieve antibacterial effects. It has obtained US FDA, EU CE and SGS The ICHN antibacterial shield technology certified and tested by many institutions, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences Physics and Chemistry Center, inhibits 99.9% of bacterial growth within 24 hours, presses the “eliminate button” for odors and harmful bacteria, and “kills allergies and menstrual inflammation.” cradle”.

According to data, a woman uses an average of 15,000 sanitary napkins in her lifetime. As an intimate companion that accompanies a woman throughout her life, sanitary napkins even directly affect a woman’s physical health. Especially in today’s fast-paced and high-pressure society, women must become the “first person responsible” for personal health and hygiene. They must choose a product that has excellent antibacterial properties, allergenicity, permeability, moisture absorption capacity, hygienic indicators, and adhesion. Sanitary napkins with excellent adhesion and leakage resistance can not only eliminate various embarrassing situations and potential health risks during the menstrual period, but also help you face various challenges in life with confidence and calmness. So what are you waiting for? Let’s put aside the worries of menstruation and enjoy life with Qiaofei Antibacterial Sanitary Napkin Tianzhu Silk Style.


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