Tianshi Goose Armor functional soft shell?? Not afraid of wrinkles, see you at the top


Today, in the pursuit of lightweight outdoor equipment, Tianshi Group once again leads the industry trend and launches a blockbuster new product for the spring and summer of 2024 – Goose Armor functional soft shell. Tianshi Goose Armor is committed to bringing cutting-edge functional technology and high-end design into daily clothing, bringing an unprecedented wearing experience to outdoor sports enthusiasts.

Don’t be afraid of wrinkles, see you at the top

The Goose Armor functional soft shell inherits the brand’s consistent outdoor concept and uses four-way elastic fabric blended with Toray nylon and spandex. This high-tech material gives the windbreaker excellent elasticity and recovery power, making it suitable for strenuous exercise or daily wear. Can maintain the integrity and comfort of clothing. The application of Teflon three-proof technology makes the windbreaker have excellent windproof and water-repellent properties while maintaining good breathability, ensuring that the wearer can stay dry and comfortable in different weather conditions.

In terms of design, the Goose Armor functional soft shell is divided into two versions: sports series and business series. The sporty style adopts three-dimensional cutting and raglan sleeve design, combined with a hooded style with one sleeve under the armpit, allowing the wearer to stretch freely without being restrained during mountaineering, hiking and other large-scale activities. The business type is mainly designed with a hoodless fit and a windproof stand-up collar. The simple front and rear dividing lines not only enhance the visual beauty, but also make it easy to layer. It is suitable for light outdoor activities and urban daily wear. Simple brown and silver birch gray, show your personality and taste.

Purchasing the Tianshi Goose Armor soft shell is like choosing an all-weather companion. Whether you are hiking or cycling, it will be your most solid backing. Act now. Through the official website or designated offline stores, you can easily own this functional soft case that combines fashion and practicality. Sky Stone Goose Armor is with you, making every departure a beautiful journey.

brand introduction

EJiaijia is a brand of Hanbo Intelligent Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. It started with professional outdoor sports equipment, and its design and processing base radiates to China and Southeast Asia. Its main business is down jackets. Since its establishment in 1994, the company has served as a Chinese outdoor clothing craftsman and has been fortunate to become the product technology core of many international outdoor brands.

Goose Armor pioneers outdoor functional goose down clothing and is committed to the continuous and deep organic integration of cutting-edge thermal technology, luxury goose down and fashionable functional style, combining thermal function, innovative technology and fashion aesthetics. It can better meet the needs of multiple scenes from outdoor extremes to urban leisure. Its products are carefully selected from the spire white goose down imported from Hungary at 45° north latitude. They have passed RDS international down traceability and IDFB international down bureau double standard certification. They carefully select spire materials from around the world and have helped multiple climbing expedition teams climb 7,000-meter peaks.


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