Tianjin Port successfully verified the scenario-based application of starlight technology in the port


Tianjin Port is the maritime gateway of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and “Three North” regions, the main outlet of Xiongan New Area, and the sea-land intersection of the “Belt and Road Initiative”. Tianjin Port Group has great ambitions and strives to reach new heights. It strives to build a world-class smart port and green port, strengthen the in-depth integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet with various fields of the port, promote the intelligent transformation of the port, and better serve Beijing. Tianjin and Hebei coordinate development and jointly build the “Belt and Road”.

  NearLink is a new generation of short-range wireless connection technology. Compared with traditional wireless technologies such as Bluetooth and WIFI, it has the technical advantages of lower latency, high reliability, precise synchronization, and multiple concurrency.Recently, Tianjin Port Information Technology Development Co., Ltd. joined the “StarLight Alliance” and joined hands with Huawei, Yingjia, etc. to complete the country’s first port “StarLight Technology” scenario innovation verification. The application of “StarLight Technology” will further promote smart portconstructionLay the foundation.

Figure 1 Tianjin Port Information Technology Development Co., Ltd. joined the “Star Flash Alliance”

  Innovation scene one,The application of 360-degree video stitching based on “Star Flash” technology on port bulk cargo loaders.The operating environment of bulk loaders is complex and requires joint operations with people, trucks, door cranes, and ship loading and unloading machines. The operational safety requirements are very high. Wireless wireless devices equipped with StarLight technology are installed in the front, rear, left, and right around the loader body. , ultra-wide-angle, high-definition night vision camera, which collects high-definition video picture signals around the car in real time, transmits them to the image processor at high speed and lossless, and then undergoes distortion correction, perspective transformation, image splicing and fusion, etc., to finally synthesize a 360° bird’s-eye view around the car. The panoramic image is output to the vehicle display screen to provide loader drivers with 360° panoramic driving assistance. The use of “Star Flash” wireless transmission technology in this scene not only solves the problems of traditional wired cameras with numerous wire harnesses, complex wiring, and difficult maintenance, but more importantly, the visual effect is more stable and clear, and the 360 ​​panoramic splicing is more synchronized and more intuitive. It can quickly eliminate visual blind spots around the vehicle body, thereby effectively reducing the probability of traffic accidents. Based on scenario verification results,Next, Tianjin Port will further research a 360-degree surround view solution based on “Star Flash” technology to enable full-scenario intelligent security management and control business applications.

Figure 2 Effect of traditional wired camera

Figure 3 Starlight 360 static surround effect

Figure 4 Starlight 360 dynamic surround effect

  Innovation scenario two,A video transmission application for port crane spreaders built based on “Star Flash” technology. In the process of realizing automated operations, port machinery cannot do without the application of video technology. When traditional cable connection methods are used to connect cameras for signal return, due to repeated pulling of the wire harness, the wire harness connectors often become loose or broken, which affects automated operations. The continuous development will have an impact.As the most frequently moving port machinery component, the spreader requires video equipment deployed within its structural frame to adopt highly reliable transmission technology.passApply the “StarLight” wireless connection technology, install the “StarLight” camera on the port crane spreader, and install the StarLight host in the control room to achieve high-speed and stable transmission of video signals in a wireless environment.The next step for Tianjin Port will beCombined with the application of the port machinery automation operating system, the 360-degree surround view technology of spreaders based on “Star Flash” and the radar signal transmission technology based on “Star Flash” are studied to further enhance the level of port machinery automation.

Figure 5 StarLight equipment installation, deployment and actual measurement results

  In the future, Tianjin Port will also cooperate with Huaweiand other partners, continue to study the “Star Flash Card” based on the “Star Flash” positioning technology, explore the integrated management and control of personnel and truck trucks in the terminal, and continue to promote smart ports through technological innovation.constructionImproving constantly.


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