Tianjin Mobile’s 5.5G+5G REDCAP joint end-to-end pilot demonstration project lands in Tianjin Port



Recently, Tianjin Mobile and Huawei took the lead in completing the end-to-end pilot demonstration project of 5.5G (5G-Advanced) synaesthesia integration technology and 5G REDCAP (5G lightweight) terminals at Tianjin Port, simultaneously completing the communication perception for container transportation. Fusion testing. This demonstration project has both 5G REDCAP vision and 5G-A synaesthetic sensing, intelligent dispatching, electronic fence and other application capabilities. It promotes the research and commercial implementation of 5G-A synaesthetic integration and REDCAP technology, laying the foundation for subsequent commercial deployment and ensuring port traffic. A solid step forward for safety, empowering connected car roads, low-altitude economy, and ocean sensing.

5G-A integrated synaesthesia test screen

5G-A (also known as 5G-Advanced or 5.5G) is the next milestone in the 5G era. It has many capabilities such as 10G speed, deterministic experience, passive Internet of Things, and integrated synaesthesia, and will further deepen the transformation of the digital intelligence society. , Promote the quality and efficiency of the digital economy. As a pioneer in the integration and innovation of the “innovation chain” and “industrial chain”, Tianjin Mobile took the lead in introducing 5G-A technology into the actual production and life.

As an important port in the north, Tianjin Port plays an important role in sea and land transportation. Container trucks have to face many complex and changeable environmental road conditions such as line intersections, missed trucks, and personnel target avoidance. Ports face multiple problems such as low transportation efficiency and frequent accidents. Traffic management and dispatch within the port puts forward higher requirements.

This demonstration has been verified. Tianjin Mobile reuses the existing traditional 5G communication base station site, uses the industry-leading 5G-A synaesthesia integrated equipment as the perception engine, and the 5G REDCAP camera as the visual auxiliary unit to fully realize synaesthesia and vision. Dual traffic sensing function eliminates the need for cross-station coordination, and the networking is flexible and convenient. At the same time, Tianjin Mobile has implemented a number of key technologies such as real-time positioning, trajectory sensing, target monitoring, trajectory tracking, intrusion monitoring, and electronic fences based on its synesthesia integrated technology platform, which can effectively achieve assisted driving, driving prediction, and automatic alignment. , which can significantly improve vehicle-road coordination capabilities, transportation operation efficiency and safety production levels around the port, and bring good economic and social benefits.

Facing the future, Tianjin Mobile will continue to play a leading role in enhancing the value of the 5G-A digital industry, enhancing the industrial ecology, and building a digital industrial system, and will strive to build high-quality 5G-A industrial clusters and transform communications technology into productivity for digital economic development. Contribute to Tianjin’s modern industrial system and innovative development pattern. (Wang Zheng Wang Shi)


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