Tian Xia Ba Sing’s first animated film “Vulcan” is scheduled to be released on January 28. The young hero defies fate and changes his destiny.


Adapted from the original IP “Vulcan” by Tian Xia Ba Sing, directed by Huang Haitao, Tianjin Rabbit Hole Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Naifei Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing Lianrui Pictures Co., Ltd., New Axis Animation Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The animated film “Son of the God of Fire” jointly produced by Maoxiaoyu (Shandong) Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Shizizuo (Shandong) Culture Media Co., Ltd. is scheduled to be launched on the dual platforms of Tencent Video and iQiyi on January 28.

 The fire-bending boy suddenly awakens and gets caught up in a strange case to find the truth

Liu Hengshun, a fire-bending young man who is about to become Jiuhe City’s best detective, accidentally discovered clues to the Baiting Mountain massacre ten years ago, so he teamed up with Xiaobai, a mysterious girl with paper-controlling powers, Du Shuai, a superpower research madman, and Prof. Sun Xiaoxiu, who is skilled in the art of mechanism, went to Baiting Mountain to rescue the kidnapped children, which also revealed the shocking conspiracy that Mo Gudao had planned for a long time…

“Ten thousand lives are a life, one life is a life, life matters! I have to save it!” This deafening line is the boy’s cry to uphold morality, and it is also an oath to protect the world. Liu Hengshun is one of the most rebellious characters written by the original author. In order to find justice in his heart, he eventually transformed from a willful middle school boy who got into trouble into a heroic boy who protects his side.

  Tian Xia Ba Sing IP blessing gold team carefully created

“Vulcan Son of the Apocalypse” is adapted from the original IP “Vulcan” by Tian Xia Ba Sing, and is also its first animated work. The Four Gods Fight Three Demons series of novels popular among the world tells the story of the gathering of nine sects of the three Wei sects in Tianjin at the end of the Qing Dynasty, dragons and snakes were mixed, and there were many capable people and strangers in the city. This film takes the “God of Fire” Liu Hengshun as the main character, and depicts his thrilling journey of subduing monsters and slaying evil spirits, and repeatedly solving the strange murders of Tianjin Weiqi.

This film also continues the “suspense folklore” elements that have been inherited from Tian Xia Ba Sing’s works, such as the “paper birds” and “paper puppets” that appear in the film. It not only creates a strange and beautiful fantasy world, but also has an exciting investigation process. , presenting a wonderful adventure to the audience.

In addition to strong IP support, the film is also inseparable from the careful creation of the creative team behind it. Director Huang Haitao served as the animation director for the first to sixth seasons of the animated drama “Xia Lan”. Producer Guo Jianwei once served as the head of the R&D department of Light Chasing Animation. “The Origin of the White Snake” in which he participated set a record as the mainland box office champion of domestic fantasy films in 2019. What surprises the collaboration between the two senior creators will bring remains to be tested by the audience for themselves.

“Vulcan: Son of the Apocalypse” is scheduled to be launched on the dual platforms of Tencent Video and iQiyi on January 28, so stay tuned.


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