“Tomorrow’s Boys” is scheduled to be released on January 26, Wu Yuheng and Zhou Yanchen join hands to start the hilarious youth


Produced by Wanda TV Drama, New Media Eslite, and Shanghai Mingjian Pictures, directed by Ming Yan, and starring Wu Yuheng, Zhou Yanchen (in no particular order), and Yang Jiezi, the youth comedy “Tomorrow’s Boy” is scheduled to be released on January 26 It is broadcast exclusively on iQiyi on the entire network.

As the first youth drama in the winter vacation, “Tomorrow’s Boy” tells the story of Chen Ting/Sick Cat (played by Wu Yuheng), a young man who was raised by his father alone and enters Xicheng Technical School to study, and meets his old enemy “school bully” Lin Hao/Hua Zai. Hao (played by Zhou Yanchen), a motorcycle girl She Zhenzhen/Shasha Zhen (played by Yang Zi) and others became friends. A group of teenagers supported each other and grew up together on the road to youth, and finally found their own goals in life.

  The first encounter between a boy and a girl begins a memorial to youth

Unlike other youth dramas, “Tomorrow’s Boys” is full of contrasts. As soon as the sick cat appeared on the scene, he was robbed by the school bully Hua Zaihao. The domineering girl Shark Jane rescued him and staged a drama of “beauty rescuing the hero”. The fearless Hua Zaihao was frightened by the sick cat pretending to be a “ghost”, and the school bully turned into a joke and fled in a hurry. In order to escape from the blind date, Shark Jane was “changed” by Hua Zaihao into a housekeeper, which is even more hilarious. As they get along day and night, the three people have never been strangers to each other, but have become young friends who heal each other. The ignorant youthful throbbing also takes root and sprouts here, opening up scenes of wonderful times of laughter and slapstick.

  Every family has a difficult-to-understand experience. Young people heal each other.

“Tomorrow’s Boys” is not only a light-hearted and joyful “youth comedy”, but also contains many family issues.

Sick Mao has not been recognized by his father since he was a child, so he can only resist his father’s suppression through some “rebellious” behaviors; “problem boy” Hua Zaihao has a gambling father and an unreliable stepmother, and lacks family care; Shark Jane grew up in a traditional patriarchal environment, and her father strongly opposed her pursuing her motorcycle dream. However, several teenagers each solved the problems in their families in their own way, and finally reconciled with their parents. The funny youth is mixed with the growing pains of teenagers, and the laughter is mixed with tears, which is both sympathetic and touching.

  A collection of old and new actors collide with different sparks

Wu Yuheng, who plays the sick cat in the play, has a clean and vigorous youth that is very suitable for the role. This time he will break his own image and play the role of a rebellious teenager. Zhou Yanchen, who plays Hua Zaihao, is widely loved by the audience for his role as “Duan Xiao” in the youth comedy “I Don’t Want to Be Friends with You”. He also changed his previous image of a straightforward and cute boy and played an unusual role as the school bully. Yang Zi, who has a fresh and natural appearance, plays the role of the quirky Shark Jane. She has also attracted much attention recently in the hit drama “I miss you very much”.

The play not only brings together the new generation of leading actors, but also invites powerful middle-aged actors to perform on the same stage. The “Tiger Power” who plays the father of the sick cat is Hong Kong actor Lin Jinggang, who has the title of “TVB’s Queen Villain”; Cheng Feng, who plays Teacher Zhang, has appeared in many well-known works such as “Nirvana in Fire” and “Forensic Qin Ming”. China’s “Shaobei Quan” ambassador Chen Zhihui also surprisingly appeared in the role of the master.

“Tomorrow’s Boys” is directed by Ming Yan, starring Wu Yuheng, Zhou Yanchen (in no particular order), and Yang Jiezi, with Lin Jinggang as a special guest star, Chen Zhihui, Cheng Feng, and Cui Zhenzhen as companions, and Yin Chunjin, Zhu Huilong, and Yang Haitao serve as chief producers. Wang Zhaonan serves as the chief editor and reviewer, Wang Yining, Ji Ping, and Li Li serve as producers, Li Chunyu serves as co-producer, and Zhang Huazhi, Yang Mingchuan, and Hu Die serve as executive producers. The play will be launched on iQiyi on January 26. Exclusively broadcast online, so stay tuned!


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