The fourth episode of “Looking at Nangang” sets sail with wisdom? Exploring how the smart chemical park can generate new momentum


The fourth episode of the “Jinhai City” series of special topics “Looking at Nangang” jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Binhai New Area Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, and Tianjin Radio and Television Station was held on March 2 at Tianjin Radio and Television Station. The channel will continue broadcasting at 20:50 in the evening.

Technology shines in the pioneer city, and intelligence ignites the Bohai Bay. Tianjin has successively held the World Intelligence Conference, gathering global intelligence achievements and building a pioneering city in artificial intelligence. At present, Tianjin is holding high the banner of “establishing a manufacturing city” and in-depth carrying out the “Ten Actions” for high-quality development. As the main front for the development of the green petrochemical industry, Tianjin Economic Development Zone Nangang Industrial Zone is now radiating new momentum and a comprehensive The interconnected, intelligent, efficient, safe and green smart chemical park is steadily underway.

“Smart Start” will focus on safety, wisdom, and responsible care, and tell how Nangang Industrial Zone fills in the blanks and enables the transformation of kinetic energy. Safety is the lifeline of the development of chemical industry parks. Since its establishment, Nangang Industrial Zone has always regarded safety as a top priority and launched a series of innovative safety mechanisms focusing on the three major functions of emergency management, production safety, and comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction. and initiatives. In the “Smart Start” chapter, we will start from a large-scale joint sea and land emergency drill, and introduce a three-level emergency rescue team, a “major emergency, all-disaster” monitoring and early warning network, etc.

In 2023, the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation released the eighth batch of smart chemical parks, and Nangang Industrial Zone was among them, becoming the 27th smart chemical park in China. In Nangang, smart factories and digital workshops abound. Digital industrialization and industrial digitization have stimulated strong momentum for high-quality development. In the “Smart Start” chapter, host Zhang Bojia will take you into the intelligent control center of Bohua Development Smart Factory, how to master more than 1 million pieces of data information per second and realize automated operations; and Shell (Tianjin) Lubrication Oil Co., Ltd.’s automatic guided vehicle system and smart security system; as well as the Beiran Nangang project to develop a digital twin, deeply integrating intelligent inspection and 5G technology into the operation of the receiving station.

Striving to be the first and taking responsibility for good deeds, Nangang Industrial Zone will take high-end manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, and green manufacturing as its leading direction, actively explore the TEDA path of new industrialization, and stride forward towards the “world-class new chemical materials base”. Tonight at 20:50, we will watch the fourth episode of Tianshi Literary Channel’s “Jinhai City” series of feature films “Looking at Nangang” to set sail. Let’s explore how Tianjin’s chemical industry is beating the drums and setting sail in the new era.


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