Super burning moment!China Life supports CBA Tianjin home court


On March 17, 2024, Tianjin Toli Stadium ushered in the CBA focus event. The Tianjin Pioneers faced the Liaoning Bengang Team at home. In this game, as the official main sponsor of CBA, China Life’s strong support cannot be ignored, adding more highlights to this exciting event.

  On the night of the game, the Tianjin Toli Stadium was packed and the fans were enthusiastic.China Life Tianjin Branch set up a 75th anniversary brand exhibition area at the entrance of the venue, which attracted the attention of many fans. Photo devices, theme backgrounds and other promotional materials are all available, providing fans with a rich interactive experience. Special souvenirs such as cheering sticks and cheering towels are even more popular among fans, who take photos in front of the photo frame. Niu, the life insurance mascot, interacts closely with fans and cheers for the team together!

During the competition, the arrival of the China Life brand moment pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The cheerleaders held up slogans such as “Vote for what you love and live up to trust” and “One crucial shot determines the future”. The audience cheered for both teams, and the atmosphere was lively.

After four quarters of fierce fighting, the Tianjin Pioneers finally lost to the Liaoning Bengang Team by 6 points at home. The outstanding performance of the players won rounds of applause and cheers from the fans at the scene.

It is worth mentioning that China Life, as the official main sponsor of the CBA, has been working hand in hand with the league for six years. During this period, China Life continued to delve deeply into the field of basketball and comprehensively supported the development of China’s basketball industry by sponsoring leagues and planning and carrying out theme charity activities. From the growth of professional players to the promotion of youth basketball, from the spread of basketball culture to the guarantee of the national team competing in the World Cup, China Life has devoted great enthusiasm and strength.

  This is the home game between Tianjin Pioneers and Liaoning Bengang Team.It not only brought a wonderful visual feast to the fans, but also once again demonstrated the deep friendship and cooperation results between China Life and CBA. In the future, China Life will continue to join hands with CBA to jointly promote the vigorous development of Chinese basketball.


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