Pinduoduo, Taobao, and all join the “refund only” policy

[ad_1], Taobao, and Pinduoduo, the three major domestic e-commerce platforms, have all joined the “refund only” camp.

According to news from the JD platform rules website on December 26, JD recently revised the “General Rules for the Handling of Transaction Disputes on the JD Open Platform”, with the main content being that user-only refunds are newly supported for transaction disputes. It is understood that previously on, consumers could only apply for exchanges, returns and refunds. The refund-only operation mode is that consumers do not need to return the original product. After the refund is completed, they will not be able to initiate a return application for the product again.

Previously, Taobao’s official website issued a public notice on changes to the dispute handling rules of the Taobao platform on December 25, and planned to change the relevant rules of the dispute handling rules of the Taobao platform. Specific rules include quick refunds or returns and refunds for relevant after-sales services based on platform big data.

This regulation was interpreted by the outside world as a change measure following Pinduoduo’s footsteps. However, it is understood that Taobao does not blindly imitate, but makes corresponding adjustments on the basis of “refund only”. Taobao rules have a certain mechanism design, which will combine product quality information and consumer integrity models. Comprehensive data will determine that product quality has problems and is not suitable for return. Users with high credibility will support quick refunds.

“Refund only” is the after-sales mechanism first launched by Pinduoduo. That is, when a consumer applies for “refund only” from the platform, if the merchant does not perform the operation within 48 hours, the system will default to the merchant agreeing to the refund application and automatically initiate the process. Refund. This obviously user-friendly mechanism is also considered to be a key step for Pinduoduo to fight its way out of the red sea of ​​e-commerce.

Now, the “refund only” after-sales mechanism is gradually becoming an e-commerce industry standard.

On September 21 this year, Douyin e-commerce also updated a “refund only” rule in the “Merchant After-sales Service Management Specifications”: Douyin merchants have a product review rate of less than 70%, and the platform has the right to The after-sales application for transaction orders adopts measures that support consumers with only refunds, return shipping and refunds, and can be lifted if the product’s favorable rating returns to above 70% for 7 consecutive days.”

In e-commerce, Pinduoduo’s “no returns, only refunds” after-sales service, although controversial, has indeed “won over” many consumers to the platform. The convenient after-sales service and simple refund process can lower the shopping threshold. and dispel users’ concerns.

Some netizens commented, questioning Pin Xixi, understanding Pin Xixi, and becoming Pin Xixi.


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