New Taipei Street Lantern Festival 2024 held successfully


  Tianjin Northern Network News: As spring approaches, we usher in the annual Lantern Festival. On this festive and peaceful day, Tianjin Xinbei Street specially planned and held a unique 2024 Lantern Festival celebration. The theme of this event was “Celebrate the Lantern Festival with renewal of everything, and forge ahead into the new era”. Show the cultural charm of New Taipei streets and the spiritual outlook of community residents.

Performers from the community, artistic groups and Binhai Cultural Center were carefully prepared to present a wonderful artistic performance to the audience. The opening dance “Good Days” performed by the Sunshine Sisters Dance Troupe instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene. “Beautiful Tianjin I Love You” sung by the Zhixing Chorus expressed their infinite love and praise for their hometown with their singing, followed by the song sung by Teacher Xu Gang “The Way of Justice” uses sonorous singing and passionate melody to make the audience feel the persistence and pursuit of justice. Programs such as Sanhu duet and poetry recitation made the audience intoxicated and experience the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture!

It is worth mentioning that this joy party also incorporated a variety of art forms, such as Peking opera, model performances, singing and dancing, etc. The Peking Opera “Military and Civilian Fish and Water Love” showed the deep friendship between the military and civilians. The model performance “Enter the Painting of Jiangnan” brought visual enjoyment to the audience, and the singing and dancing “Spring Breeze” pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The audience Everyone applauded and celebrated this wonderful Lantern Festival together.

The event also specially invited several well-known calligraphers to attend the event. Hu Ping, secretary-general of the Calligraphy and Painting Aesthetics Branch of the Tianjin Aesthetic Society, and Peng Yingke, Hui Zong, and Li Yanchun, members of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, wrote exquisite works on the spot, adding a cultural atmosphere to the event and entertaining the audience. Bringing a visual and artistic feast.

The successful holding of this event will not only enrich residents’ amateur cultural life and improve the cultural quality of the community, but also allow residents to have a deeper understanding and inheritance of China’s excellent traditional culture. At the same time, this is also a concentrated display of community cultural construction and residents’ spiritual outlook in the new era, inspiring everyone’s confidence and strength to forge ahead in the new era and jointly create a better life.


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