Minsheng Bank Holds Pension Finance Seminar


On September 6, Minsheng Bank held a financial seminar on “Financial Services for the Elderly, Empowering a Brighter Future” in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Guests from the China Banking Association, Zhonghui Social Security Development Center, many financial institutions, and nearly a hundred Representatives of enterprise annuity and occupational annuity customers attended the meeting, and relevant people from the head office and branch of Minsheng Bank attended the meeting.

  Jin Shuying, full-time deputy director of China Banking AssociationAttending the meeting and delivering a speech, he affirmed Minsheng Bank’s positive measures in improving pension services in recent years, analyzed and pointed out the development trend of the pension finance industry, and hoped that commercial banks would seize the opportunity to make a difference.Li Bin, Vice President of Minsheng BankOn behalf of the sponsorspeech,He said that Minsheng Bank adhered to customer-centricity and joined hands with peer institutions to jointly promote the high-quality development of a multi-level and multi-pillar pension system.Guests from industry associations, Tsinghua University, and domestic and foreign pension management institutions delivered keynote speeches on topics such as high-quality pension development, pension fund investment strategies, and overseas pension management experience, and carried out discussions on high-quality pension financial services. Round table discussion.

  Minsheng Bank released the “Smart Pension” enterprise (occupational) annuity comprehensive financial service plan, and jointly released the “Tsinghua-Minsheng Pension Development Research Report III: High-quality pension development and the three major banks Function Building”.Yang Yansui, a professor at Tsinghua University, gave a keynote speech on “High-quality Pension Development and the Construction of the Three Major Functions of Banks and Flexible Policy Suggestions”. From the three aspects of the three major functions of the bank, it expounds the challenges and strategies for the high-quality development of pensions in China, and proposes a development plan that combines banking market functions with social services.Since 2019, Minsheng Bank has cooperated with Tsinghua University to carry out pension research, focusing on the pension needs of flexible employees and the combination of bank pension management business functions and social services, and released two research reports in 2019 and 2021. The research and recommendations have attracted the attention of government departments and the industry.

The person in charge of Minsheng Bank said that in the future, Minsheng Bank will continue to uphold the corporate mission of “serving the public and caring for people’s livelihood”, implement the relevant regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, actively build a pension business exchange platform, and continue to strengthen the promotion of enterprise annuity policies and market cultivation, proactively improve pension financial products and service systems, actively leverage the functional value of asset custody to promote the safe operation of annuities, and join hands with high-quality peer institutions to contribute to the high-quality development of the pension market.


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