Look!Virtual people also want to eat Menglong ice cream and feel the sweetness of life


When the boundary of the virtual world intersects with the real world, what kind of wonderful chemical reaction will occur? The creative short film “Not Available in The Metaverse” released by Menglong Ice Cream may be able to give us some answers. After all, the video It presents a story full of imagination and desire for exploration, allowing people to taste the sweetness of life through laughter.

In the short film, the virtual human Luna briefly “escaped” from the metaverse through goggles with curiosity and expectation about the real world, and embarked on a journey into the real world. When she was walking on the bustling street, she was inadvertently attracted by a tempting Magnum ice cream. However, when she tried to taste the sweetness from the real world, she found that she was in a virtual scene provided by VR and could not truly feel the deliciousness of the ice cream. This plot not only shows the gap between virtuality and reality, but also highlights the unique charm of Menglong ice cream in real life.

Despite Luna’s setbacks while trying the ice cream, she didn’t let it get her down. On the contrary, she stood in front of the window, looking at the plain and stable scene outside the window, showing a satisfied and happy smile. This scene resonates deeply. Whether we are in the virtual world or the real world, we should cherish the present and feel the real beauty in life.

As an important element in the short film, Magnum ice cream not only attracted the attention of the virtual human Luna with its delicious taste, but also conveyed the love and pursuit of life with its unique brand charm. Through this short film, Menglong encourages consumers to maintain an attitude of exploration and curiosity no matter where they are, while not forgetting to feel the sweetness and happiness in life.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Menglong has used virtual elements for brand marketing. Previously, Menglong also used the popular ins virtual idol imma as a happy ambassador. This “cute Japanese girl” with short pink hair is deeply loved by fans for her exquisite appearance, fashionable clothing and life-like style. Menglong allowed imma to appear in the shooting of fashion posters and advertising blockbusters, which not only gave full play to the charm of virtual idols, but also brought unprecedented fresh feelings to consumers.

In this era full of creativity and exploration, Menglong Ice Cream continues to surprise and touch consumers with its unique brand concept and marketing strategy. Whether it is the real world or the virtual world, Menglong will become an indispensable part of our lives, allowing us to feel the sweetness and happiness from ice cream together.


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