Call from the Ocean-The registration system for the 4th Zhejiang Ocean Games is officially launched


Call from the Ocean – The registration system for the 4th Zhejiang Ocean Games is officially launched

In order to implement the strategic decision of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to build a “strong marine economic province”, showcase the charm of maritime sports, and promote exchanges and cooperation in characteristic sports culture, the 4th Zhejiang Provincial Ocean Games will be held from May to June 2024. Held in Shengsi County, Zhoushan City.

As a sports event based on island characteristics and focusing on broad participation, this year’s Ocean Games will combine national sports with competitive sports and set up three major regional events around the island, on the beach, and in sea-related events. Among them, 10 events including island road cycling, island trekking, rowing and running, sailing, kiteboarding, paddle boarding, sea fishing, beach football, beach Frisbee, and open water swimming are recruiting nationwide.

Zhoushan Shengsi, this string of bright pearls lying in the embrace of the East China Sea, is issuing a sincere call to marine sports enthusiasts across the country with its unique marine charm to jointly meet this challenge and feel the passion and charm of marine sports. Among them, the Sailing Island Hopping Rally with the largest lighthouse in the Far East – Hua Niao Lighthouse as the destination will shuttle between Sijiao, Hua Niao, Shengshan and other scenic islands, allowing contestants to fully appreciate the experience while competing fiercely. The beauty of the blue sea, strange reefs, golden sands and fishing fires in the fairy mountains on the sea. At the same time, Shengsi is a famous fishing paradise. It has a century-old fishing ground rich in black snapper and yellow croaker. This sea fishing competition will include shore fishing, floating rock fishing and boat fishing, and has set up high bonuses totaling hundreds of thousands of yuan, waiting for fishing friends from all over the country to show off their skills.

In order to allow marine sports enthusiasts to register more conveniently and quickly, Zhejiang Province has specially developed an online registration system for this event. Find the registration entrance for the 4th Zhejiang Provincial Ocean Games, follow the prompts to fill in your personal information, select the participating events and upload relevant supporting materials to complete the registration. Whether it is various districts and cities in Zhejiang Province, industry sports associations, or enthusiasts participating in the open group, they can easily complete the registration process.

The launch of the registration system not only improved the convenience and participation of the event, but also demonstrated Zhejiang Province’s leading position in the digital field. With the official launch of the registration process, the Fourth Zhejiang Ocean Games has taken a solid step forward. We hope that in the coming days, this event will become an important platform to showcase the charm of marine sports, promote mass sports and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and inject new vitality into the development of the marine economy.


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