iPhone 15 Pro will be Apple’s biggest iPhone upgrade in three years! -IT wave-Northern Network


With just a few months to go until the launch of the next-generation iPhone, Apple is already gearing up for a big event in September. Rumor has it that the iPhone 15 series launch event will take place on September 12.

  Some foreign media recently broke the news that the iPhone 15 Pro series is expected to be Apple’s biggest iPhone upgrade in three years, with thinner borders, a new camera system, and more.

The upcoming iPhone 15 Pro series will feature thinner bezels, a step closer to Apple’s dream of a bezel-less iPhone, according to sources.

  To this end, Apple will use a new LIPO technology on the display of the iPhone 15 Pro series models, reducing the size of the bezel around the display to 1.5mm. In comparison, the screen bezels on the iPhone 14 Pro models are around 2.2mm.

In addition to narrower bezels, Apple’s upcoming iPhone 15 and 15 Pro series will also get the biggest upgrade since adding 5G capabilities three years ago, foreign media said.

Among them, the iPhone 15 Pro series will be equipped with a faster 3nm A17 bionic chip. Apple is also said to have replaced the stainless steel frame with titanium, which is stronger, lighter, and more premium.

It is reported that the iPhone 15 Pro series will continue to use a frosted glass back, but the edge connecting the sides and the front will not be as sharp as before. The new machine will also add a new action button that can be customized to trigger various tasks, such as starting the camera, turning on the flashlight, turning on accessibility features, or translating text. It’s worth mentioning that all four new iPhones this year will move to USB Type-C ports.

According to foreign media, the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max will be equipped with larger 48MP sensors that can capture more light.Among them, a new 12MP periscope lens has also been added to the three-camera combination of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which supports up to 6x optical zoom. The iPhone 15 Pro may feature a 12MP 3x optical zoom lens.

These upgrades will likely result in a price increase compared to the previous generation. Rumors suggest that the iPhone 15 Pro will be more expensive than the 14 Pro model, possibly starting at $1,099, while the iPhone 15 Pro Max will start at $1,299. The iPhone 15 and 15 Plus could start at $799 and $899, respectively.


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