In the first seven months, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size fell by 15.5%


According to the website of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to July, the total profit of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide was 3,943.98 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 15.5%, which was 1.3 percentage points lower than that from January to June.

From January to July, among the industrial enterprises above the designated size, the state-owned holding companies realized a total profit of 1,380.59 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 20.3%; the joint-stock enterprises realized a total profit of 2,883.56 billion yuan, a decrease of 16.6%; 100 million yuan, a decrease of 12.4%; the total profit of private enterprises was 1,022.66 billion yuan, a decrease of 10.7%.

From January to July, the mining industry realized a total profit of 782.74 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 21.0%; the manufacturing industry realized a total profit of 2,769.42 billion yuan, a decrease of 18.4%; the electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industry realized a total profit of 391.82 billion yuan, An increase of 38.0%.

From January to July, among the 41 major industrial sectors, the total profit of 13 industries increased year-on-year, and the total profits of 28 industries decreased. The profits of major industries are as follows: the total profit of electric power, heat production and supply industry increased by 51.2% year-on-year, the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 33.7%, the general equipment manufacturing industry increased by 14.5%, the special equipment manufacturing industry increased by 2.1%, and the automobile manufacturing industry increased 1.0%, the oil and gas extraction industry decreased by 11.4%, the textile industry decreased by 20.3%, the coal mining and washing industry decreased by 26.2%, the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry decreased by 26.4%, and the non-metallic mineral products industry decreased by 28.8%. The agricultural and sideline food processing industry decreased by 32.6%, the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry decreased by 36.7%, the chemical raw material and chemical product manufacturing industry decreased by 54.3%, the petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industry decreased by 87.0%, and the ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry A drop of 90.5%.

From January to July, industrial enterprises above designated size realized operating income of 73.22 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.5%; incurred operating costs of 62.40 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.2%; operating income profit margin was 5.39%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.95 percentage points.

At the end of July, the total assets of industrial enterprises above designated size were 161.40 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.5% year-on-year; the total liabilities were 92.92 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.8%; the total owner’s equity was 68.48 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.2%; the asset-liability ratio was 57.6%, A year-on-year increase of 0.2 percentage points.

At the end of July, the accounts receivable of industrial enterprises above designated size was 23.11 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.7% year-on-year; the inventory of finished products was 6.10 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.6%.

From January to July, the cost per hundred yuan of operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size was 85.22 yuan, an increase of 0.62 yuan year-on-year; the cost per hundred yuan of operating income was 8.37 yuan, an increase of 0.30 yuan year-on-year.

At the end of July, the operating income of industrial enterprises above designated size per 100 yuan of assets was 79.0 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.2 yuan; the per capita operating income was 1.739 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 49,000 yuan; the inventory turnover days of finished products were 20.3 days, a year-on-year increase of 1.1 days; the average payback period of accounts receivable was 63.6 days, a year-on-year increase of 6.3 days.

In July, industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a total profit of 556.10 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.7%.


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