How to use Douyin monthly payment?Shopping is more convenient with it


From emerging industries to today’s mature industrial chain, the e-commerce industry has now occupied a wide range of markets and has become the most convenient way to shop today. Of course, in order to ensure the continued progress and development of the industry, many new products and services have been launched one after another, and Douyin Monthly Payment is one of them.

So, what is Douyin’s monthly payment? Douyin Monthly Payment is an online consumption installment service that “consume first, pay later”. It supports one-time payment and 3/6/12 installments. For individual users, in the entire process from successful activation to use, if they choose “no installment”, there is no handling fee and they can repay on time. If they choose to pay in installments, the corresponding handling fee will be charged according to the number of installments. In addition, you can also purchase products that participate in interest-free activities and enjoy interest-free installment benefits, up to 24 interest-free installments.

Next, let’s learn more about the specific activation methods and usage scenarios of Douyin Monthly Payment. Users can directly open the Douyin APP, click on the homepage – three bars in the upper right corner – wallet – Douyin Monthly Payment, enter the Douyin Monthly Payment page, click the Activate Now button + “Log in and authorize relevant information” to complete the relevant operations , you can apply for activation. It should be noted that Douyin’s monthly payment is currently “invitation-based”. If you click on it and it will prompt “gradually opening”, it means that you have not been invited to participate for the time being, and it will be gradually opened in the future.

In terms of usage scenarios, Douyin Monthly Payment can be used to purchase DOU+ in Douyin APP, purchase goods in Douyin Mall, recharge mobile phone bills, pay living bills, group purchase of takeaways, deposit pre-sales and final payments.

In terms of repayment methods, Douyin Monthly Payment provides three plans for everyone to choose from. Automatic repayment: Supports automatic withholding and repayment upon maturity, just leave enough balance on the bound bank card. Manual repayment: Before the monthly repayment date, go through the Douyin APP – Me – three horizontal lines in the upper right corner – My wallet – Douyin Monthly Payment, and click the “Early Repayment” button or “Instalment Repayment” under the monthly payment amount “You can repay manually according to the prompts on the page. However, the installment repayment function is currently open. Whether you can operate the installment repayment, as well as the installment amount and installment handling rate, etc. are subject to the page display. Early repayment/full settlement: Click the small earphone in the upper right corner of the Douyin monthly payment page to enter the customer service center, and click “Early repayment”. There are three repayment methods. Users can repay according to their actual situation.

With the addition of Douyin Monthly Payment, online shopping has become more convenient and faster, and you can also enjoy “consume first, pay later”. Come and experience it!


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