How to treat spring cough?Chinese medicine treats cough and phlegm first


“As soon as spring comes, all kinds of respiratory diseases come. Some people have relapse of bronchitis, and some people have influenza. These diseases have an obvious symptom, cough and phlegm. And traditional Chinese medicine has special advantages in the treatment of cough and phlegm. It has the unique advantages of accurate efficacy, low resistance to drug resistance, and high safety.” On February 24, the 20th International Collateral Disease Congress was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, Li Guangxi, director of the Respiratory Department of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said at the conference.

Li Guangxi, Director of the Respiratory Department of Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

“What is a cough? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that coughing is a sound without phlegm, and coughing is a cough with phlegm and no sound. To cure a cough, the key is to find the cause.” Li Guangxi said that in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is emphasized that “all the internal organs make people cough, not just one.” Lungs too”. External causes include the evils of the six evils, and internal causes include weak lungs, liver fire invading the lungs, etc. Whether it is exogenous infection or internal injury and cough, the final result will be lung disease.

“Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of understanding cough and has accumulated rich experience in cough treatment.” Li Guangxi introduced, for example, “Maxing Shigan Decoction” in Zhang Zhongjing’s medical masterpiece “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” of the Eastern Han Dynasty is a commonly used relieving agent and is mainly used to treat cough. Exogenous wind evil and evil heat block the lungs. In addition, the “Qingjin Huatan Decoction” in the “General Purpose of Medicine” written by Ye Wenling, a medical expert in the Ming Dynasty, is also a famous prescription for clearing away heat and reducing phlegm, soothing the lungs and relieving cough. Obvious relief effect.

“Since ancient times, clearing away heat and reducing phlegm has been an important method for treating cough and expectoration.” Li Guangxi believes that traditional Chinese medicine should consider three aspects in treating cough: first, to solve the abnormal secretion of airway mucus and clear up airway inflammation; second, to treat cough in the airway. Do humidification treatment; third, pay attention to cilia function. If cilia function is not good, it will also affect the discharge of sputum.

“Abnormal secretion of airway mucus is related to a variety of respiratory diseases, and is also a key factor leading to recurring, difficult to heal, and aggravated coughs.” Li Guangxi said that traditional Chinese medicine exerts the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough through multiple links and targets. Lianhua Qingke Tablets have the characteristics of clearing the lungs, reducing phlegm, and effectively relieving coughs. It can better deal with coughs caused by various respiratory diseases in spring.


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