Chinese and Western medicines have their own advantages in dealing with new respiratory viral infections


“In the fight against respiratory viruses, traditional Chinese and Western medicine can show their unique abilities. Western medicine has a more significant inhibitory effect on viruses, while traditional Chinese medicine can improve the body’s microenvironment and improve immune function during treatment.” Executive Deputy Director of the National Center for Respiratory Medicine, National Respiratory Diseases Professor Zheng Jinping, deputy director of the Clinical Medical Research Center, said at the Respiratory Forum of the 20th International Congress of Collateral Diseases.

From February 23 to 25, the 20th International Congress of Collateral Diseases, sponsored by the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and others and hosted by the Collateral Disease Branch of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and others, was held in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.

Professor Zheng Jinping, Executive Deputy Director of the National Center for Respiratory Medicine and Deputy Director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases

Professor Zheng Jinping said that in recent months, the new coronavirus, influenza virus, mycoplasma, syncytial virus, etc. have caused waves of respiratory diseases. Previously, due to the strict respiratory prevention and control measures adopted by everyone, acute respiratory diseases have declined compared with before. Also due to the lack of exposure to microorganisms due to prevention and control, people now feel more susceptible to respiratory diseases.

With the superposition of new coronavirus infections and other respiratory diseases, the risk of disease faced by the public has also increased significantly. Faced with this situation, Professor Zheng Jinping believes that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can more effectively fight diseases, and in order to integrate the empirical medicine of traditional Chinese medicine with international standards, it can provide more scientific evidence. In 2019, the Nanshan Yiling Pulmonary Luo Research Center was established, hoping to open up an entry point through the combined treatment of lung diseases with Chinese and Western methods, and conduct systematic research on influenza, new coronavirus infections, and other respiratory diseases.

At the same time, in order to be in line with international standards, Professor Zheng Jinping also conducted the first international multi-center evidence-based study of traditional Chinese medicine in 2019. 17 centers in China, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries jointly completed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. The research results All show that Lianhua Qingwen can shorten the duration of symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and cough. For the future, Professor Zheng Jinping hopes that traditional Chinese medicine can go global. “Many of our methods cannot be limited to ourselves and must be recognized internationally.”


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