High-end mobile phones are already sold out. The more expensive the mobile phone, the better it is to sell?


On March 21, according to a report released by Counterpoint Research, the overall sales volume of the global smartphone market in 2022 will drop by 12% year-on-year, but the sales volume of high-end mobile phones (wholesale price ≥ US$600) will rise by 1% year-on-year, making high-end mobile phone revenue account for Reached 55%, reaching the highest level in history. The data also shows that since 2016, sales of high-end mobile phones have been rising, accounting for 21% in 2022.

There are several reasons for this increase.

Despite tough market conditions in 2022, consumers with ample budgets are more resilient to macroeconomic difficulties. As a result, sales in the high-end smartphone segment increased, while sales in the entry-level and mid-range segments decreased. Sales of phones in the $1,000 and above price segment will grow the fastest in 2022, up 38% year-over-year. According to the report, this is because smartphones are becoming more and more important in life, and more users are willing to spend a higher price to buy a mobile phone with good performance and long enough usage time.

Another key factor for growth is related to the region. The mobile phone market in more countries and regions is becoming more mature and high-end users are beginning to grow. When users change their mobile phones, they will require that the performance of the new phone is higher than that of the old one, and high-end users are born from this. Other growth factors come from handset makers. For example, Apple’s sales in the high-end market rose 6% year-on-year, accounting for three-quarters of total sales of high-end mobile phones.

Apple could have grown even more if the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max hadn’t suffered supply disruptions in the fourth quarter of last year.

The report also shows that users of high-end Android phones are switching to the iOS camp, which has become one of the driving forces for Apple’s strength in the high-end market.

In 2022, the sales share of the high-end Android phone market will drop by 5% year-on-year, but the high-end iPhone will increase by 4%.

On the other hand, Apple’s ecology shows a stronger magnetic attraction than Android.

If an iPhone user still owns an Apple Watch or a Mac, then his next phone upgrade is likely to be an iPhone, and less likely to switch to the Android camp.


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