Hefu Lo Noodles won the “Technology Innovation Contribution Award” to build digital and intelligent soft power


Recently, at the “2023 High-Quality Development Annual Summit” hosted by Guangzhou Daily, the “2023 Economic High-Quality Development Awards” were released. Among them, the leading Chinese catering brand Hefu Lo Mein won the “Technology Innovation Contribution Award” for its digital and intelligent innovation achievements in the catering field, demonstrating the brand’s innovative strength and industry influence.

The “2023 High-Quality Economic Development Award” adheres to the mission of Guangzhou Daily as an authoritative party media to guide public opinion and promote urban development. It aims to take stock of the results of high-quality development this year and commend outstanding contributions to high-quality development in various industries. brand.

Digital and intelligent innovation is an important factor for catering companies to achieve high-quality development in recent years. This time, Hefu Laomian won the “Technology Innovation Contribution Award”, which is recognition from industry experts and authoritative media of the brand’s digital intelligence construction achievements, and also highly praised its contribution to promoting digital intelligence innovation in the catering industry. recognized.

It is understood that Hefu Laomian is one of the few brands in the catering industry that has deployed digitalization early. It has invested nearly 100 million yuan in digital intelligence construction, has 2 billion tag data, more than 6,000 data touch points, and has achieved direct connection with the headquarters. . This series of digital intelligence achievements has made Hefu Laomian leading the industry in terms of operation management, service quality, and customer experience.

In addition, Hefu Laomian has also made great achievements in the “green” Internet of Things and the digitalization of energy consumption. By promoting the transformation and upgrading of green energy-saving technology, the energy consumption of its stores has been significantly reduced. Achievements in the field of digital and intelligent catering innovation have earned Hefu Lo Noodles numerous recognitions and honors, and also built competitive barriers for its high-quality development.

Relying on comprehensive digital intelligence construction, Hefu Laomian has opened up the entire link from store operations, middle-office services to back-end management. Hefu Laomian has improved its operational efficiency by improving its data decision-making capabilities and strengthening refined management. While reducing its own costs and increasing efficiency, it can also empower the development of the industry.

At present, Hefu noodles are spread in more than 80 cities across the country, with more than 600 directly operated stores and more than 25 million members. With the deepening of digital intelligence construction, Hefu Laomian will further improve the efficiency of market development, promote the large-scale development of the brand, provide more consumers with high-quality delicious experience, and inject more innovative vitality into the development of the catering industry.


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