American ARC and Yanfeng Safety established a joint venture to focus on the research and development of airbag inflators


In the design of modern transportation, safety has always been the primary factor considered by engineers. With the advancement of technology and the development of the automobile industry, vehicle passive safety systems are constantly being upgraded. One of the most well-known passive safety configurations is the airbag. On October 25, 2022, ARC of the United States announced that it would join forces with Yanfeng Safety to establish YFA Automotive Safety. The new company will be mainly used to develop and produce airbag inflators.

To celebrate the official establishment of YFA Automotive Safety, American ARC and Yanfeng Safety held a grand celebration ceremony at the American ARC production base in Skopje. On the day of the ceremony, Mr. Zhang Zuo, Chinese Ambassador to North Macedonia, Mr. Eric Meyer, Charge d’Affaires of the United States in North Macedonia, and senior representatives of both companies attended the event and visited the new company’s production lines and products.

YFA Automotive Safety is equipped with the most advanced equipment and production lines in the industry to efficiently produce automotive safety products such as driver airbags, passenger airbags, curtain airbags and knee airbags. These products will eventually be sold to European customers, providing them with products suitable for all Complete range of gas generators for air bag applications.

As the second largest independent gas generator supplier in the world, the American ARC company has many years of experience in gas generator R&D and manufacturing. It has participated in the design and development of safety systems for many brands of vehicle models for many years since its establishment, and has accumulated rich design and manufacturing experience. It has also cultivated a large number of design, development and process professionals. So far, ARC in the United States has accumulated a number of independent intellectual property rights in key technologies in the field of hybrid gas generators, and has obtained a total of 77 patents.

Since its establishment, it has been involved in the design and development of safety systems for multiple brands of vehicle models, accumulated rich design and manufacturing experience, and cultivated a group of design, development and process professionals. It has independent intellectual property rights on a number of key technologies in the field of hybrid gas generators and has obtained 77 patents.

Based on the obvious advantages of hybrid generator technology, American ARC has a high degree of market recognition. Its products are sold in many countries around the world, covering the world’s major first-tier automotive parts suppliers and indirectly supporting world-renowned car companies. In order to provide customers with better services, American ARC continues to upgrade existing mature products and actively develops new products with lower costs and better effects. At the same time, the field of moderate generators fills gaps in the industrial spectrum and continues to expand global market share.

In the next step, American ARC and Yanfeng Safety will comprehensively integrate their resource advantages and share core resources such as channels and technologies to promote the global development of YFA Automotive Safety and provide safety support to more companies with high-quality products and services.


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