Dover Group launches “Artificial Intelligence + Empowerment Incubation Platform”: Accelerating the integration of digital economy and real economy


On March 16, 2024, the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce Yuan Universe Special Committee and the Beijing Wenzhou General Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneurs Club held a listing ceremony, which also marked the official launch of the Dover Group’s “Artificial Intelligence + Empowerment Incubation Platform”. The launch of this platform is regarded as an important step for enterprises to usher in the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy during the window period of the explosion of artificial intelligence opportunities.

At the ceremony, important guests such as Dong Baoqing, Executive Vice Chairman of the Yuan Universe Special Committee of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce, Wu Shaoyan, Secretary General, and Hu Fengwei, Vice President of Dover Group and Chairman of Guosen China Enterprise Credit Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., jointly unveiled the plaque and announced that ” Artificial Intelligence + Empowerment Incubation Platform” was officially launched. At the same time, Dover Technology also displayed two artificial intelligence products, including the AIGC tool developed in cooperation with top international teams and a virtual employee product jointly developed with ecological enterprises.

It is reported that these two products are the result of the Dover Technology team under the Dover Group, based on the characteristics and advantages of large domestic and foreign artificial intelligence models, in-depth research on the needs of different industries and cooperation with top teams. This release not only demonstrates the broad imagination of Chinese enterprises in the AI+ era, but also highlights Dover Technology’s determination to quickly seize opportunities in the first year of AI and actively expand the AI+ ecosystem.

During the event, Ms. Lu Haiyan, Vice President of Dover Group, said that in the context of the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, artificial intelligence will play a key role as a new productive force, and “artificial intelligence +” is a solution to the practical problems in traditional enterprise operations. effective way to solve the problem. She pointed out that the manufacturing industry can rely on artificial intelligence to achieve lean production, improve flexible manufacturing capabilities, and ultimately realize the transformation to intelligent manufacturing.

During the event, the guests shared their views on the AI ​​era. Dong Baoqing, executive vice chairman of the Metaverse Special Committee of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce, said that the special committee will provide enterprises with more exchange and cooperation opportunities and jointly promote the development of the Metaverse industry. Zhou Jie, vice president of Zhipu AI Company, said that Zhipu AI will provide advanced artificial intelligence technical support for the development of the Yuanverse.

This move by Dover Group is seen as a positive response to the profound changes brought about by artificial intelligence, and will contribute to accelerating the integration of the digital economy and the real economy. They will rely on the advantages of the “artificial intelligence + empowerment incubation platform” to strengthen innovation strategies, strengthen talent gathering, and work with more partners to empower enterprises with high growth and cultivate new productivity with AI +.


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