GOFIT Gym’s new discounted monthly membership fee starts from 99 yuan

GOFIT Gym’s new discounted monthly membership fee starts from 99 yuan


(Beihai News) The first smart fitness center in Penang – GOFIT Gym, is located on the 2nd floor of Sunway Carnival Plaza. It is a new modern and stylish gym. In addition to the most advanced fitness equipment, the most important thing is that the monthly membership fee is only from From RM99.

GOFIT gym has the most advanced equipment and facilities, including personalized exercise plan, advanced tracking system, virtual reality training, etc. The new concept of smart gym provides high-quality exercise space for fitness enthusiasts.

GOFIT Gym has the most advanced equipment and facilities. With the new promotion, the monthly membership fee starts from only RM99.

There are countless fitness equipment here, whether it is treadmills, elliptical machines, dumbbells, barbells, spinning bikes, weight benches, etc., members don’t need to worry about how to operate, the fitness center has coaches and teams to guide them.

The fitness equipment here is endless, whether it is treadmills, elliptical machines, dumbbells, barbells, spinning bikes, weight benches, and more.

There is also an independent space for members to do yoga or aerobic exercise, etc. Members can choose the desired video from the screen and exercise along with the video. Relax.

The equipment in the “Super Circuit” fitness area is carefully selected, allowing members to perform aerobic exercise and strength training, and achieve the effect of burning body fat during the 30-minute HITT fat loss exercise.

Friends who like fitness come to experience it quickly.

Evolution Wellness Group is the operator of the GOFIT Smart Fitness Center. The GOFIT Smart Fitness Center has opened at the end of April. With the new promotion, the monthly membership fee starts from RM99.

The fitness center recently arranged for the media to visit the site and experience the smart fitness equipment on site. Attendees included Pan Huiling, partner manager of Evolution Wellness Group, Zach, manager of Sunway Carnival Plaza GOFIT GYM, and Cai Wenyou, general manager of Sunway Carnival Plaza.

Cai Wenyou (second from left) followed the guidance of the team coach to experience the brand-new fitness equipment in the GOFIT gym.

Friends who like fitness are welcome to come and enjoy the fun of fitness. For details, please visit

018-4746050 or 04-398 9300, Email: [email protected].



2F-09, Sunway Carnival Mall,

3068, Jalan Todak, Pusat Bandar Seberang Jaya,

13700 Seberang Jaya. Penang.

Business hours:

Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 10:00 pm

Weekends and public holidays, 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

After exercising, members can use the massage chair to relax.

The new concept of smart gym provides fitness enthusiasts with a high-quality exercise space.


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