In 2023, the number of “Shanghai Huibao” insureds will exceed 3 million!More citizens increase protection for the whole family


As of May 18, the number of “Shanghai Huibao” insureds exceeded 3 million. The 2023 “Shanghai Insurance” insurance application window officially opened on May 9, the premium remains unchanged at 129 yuan per person, and the maximum insured amount is 3.1 million!

It is reported that more and more citizens tend to use “Shanghai Huibao” to add protection to their families. Mr. Li, who lives in Minhang District, has been insured for three consecutive years. This year, he once again used his medical insurance account to purchase “Shanghai Huibao” for his wife and a pair of children, becoming a veritable “family guardian ambassador”. Mr. Li said that the protection of “Shanghai Huibao” is very real, especially that you can use the medical insurance account to enroll in the insurance, which basically does not increase the pressure of additional expenses, and can provide sufficient protection for the family. Moreover, with the support and supervision of the government, I believe that claims settlement will be more secure and trustworthy.

Many citizens reported that “Huhuibao” has been with Shanghai residents for more than two years, “inclusive and practical” can be seen, and relatives and friends will also chat, “With ‘Huhuibao’, I am very at ease.”

Professor Xu Xian, director of the Department of Risk Management and Insurance at Fudan University, said that “Shanghai Huibao” is mainly a commercial insurance project promoted by the municipal government and underwritten by commercial insurance companies above medical insurance and medical insurance. cost burden. It is an important part of my country’s multi-level medical security system. In 2021, when “Shanghai Insurance” was launched for the first time, it created the record for the number of urban customized commercial supplementary medical insurance participants, and became the “shining business card” of national inclusive insurance .

Xu Xian also said that Huhuibao is a very sentimental and warm insurance product, and hopes that with the help of “Huhuibao”, it can convey the temperature of our commercial insurance to Shanghai citizens.

Professor Chen Wen from the School of Public Health of Fudan University believes that the “Shanghai Huibao 2023 Edition” has been further upgraded, “making steady progress and continuing to benefit the people”. The main performance is to further upgrade the protection level without increasing the premium and continuing the protection responsibility in 2022. The first is to reduce the deductible, reducing the deductible for self-paid medical expenses in hospital from 20,000 yuan to 16,000 yuan, which expands the benefit of the insured population; further down. The second is to increase the coverage of specific high-value drugs in the country, increasing the types of drugs to 36, covering the main high-incidence types of residents in this city, and covering some rare diseases. In addition, you can enjoy exclusive benefits when you enroll in the insurance.

This year’s “Huhuibao” insurance period ends on July 31. Citizens and friends who need it can enroll through the “Huhuibao” WeChat official account, Suibin APP, Alipay and other channels.


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