United Family Healthcare enters Tianjin Juilliard School to provide medical services for teachers and students


On April 11, the United Family Medical team entered Tianjin Juilliard School to provide on-site medical insurance services for students, faculty and staff of Tianjin Juilliard School.

Pan Zhongying, Vice President of United Family Healthcare, Liu Zhizhong, General Manager of Tianjin United Family Hospital, He Wei, CEO of Tianjin Juilliard School, Zhu Huixin, Academic Dean, Wang Min, Chief Operating Officer, and other guests attended the celebration ceremony.

Pan Zhongying, Vice President of United Family Healthcare

Liu Zhizhong, General Manager of Tianjin United Family Hospital

He Wei, CEO of The Tianjin Juilliard School

The campus medical station will provide routine medical assistance, emergency rescue for accidental injuries, health knowledge education, emergency rescue services and training. In addition, United Family Healthcare will assist Tianjin Juilliard School to further optimize campus disease prevention, do a good job in the prevention and control of infectious diseases, improve the ability to deal with sudden diseases, and provide guarantee for the school to carry out large-scale activities. Help the teachers and students of the hospital to obtain high-quality, safe, efficient and convenient medical services on and off campus, and make every moment of the music journey more at ease.

The Tianjin Juilliard School is the first overseas cooperative education program of the New York Juilliard School in a century. It is the first art institution in China to award a master’s degree in music certified by the United States. United Family Healthcare is a leading medical service brand in China. The day coincided with World Parkinson’s Day, and Beijing United Family President Pan Zhongying who attended the meeting said in her speech: “Showing on such a day shows that music and health care have a wider significance. I look forward to working with Tianjin Juilliard Discuss the clinical application of music therapy, as well as the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases of performers and singers.”

This is the first time that United Family Healthcare has set up a campus clinic in an institution of higher learning. United Family Healthcare will continue to give full play to its advantages as a high-end medical leader, promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources and advanced technologies, and actively provide high-quality and safe on-site medical services to international schools, tourist resorts, major events and forums. The expert team, superb technical level, and strong first-aid capabilities have won wide acclaim from all walks of life.


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